Although I’m from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (the place where the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit is going to be), now I’m living in Seville (also in Spain). Actually the past 10th of January I made my third year here 🙂
I was in Las Palmas for Xtmas and there I was with Alberto (good friend and GNOME hacker), who is living now in Dublin. He told me he was going to make a stop in Madrid, just before to come to Ireland to see some common friends and ask me to go as well.
I couldn’t resist. I was almost one year wanting to come back Madrid and see my friends there. I like so much visit Madrid. I think I couldn’t live there a long period, but I like to go there some times.
Well, this past weekend (the one when people gone crazy because snow in Madrid, which didn’t happen sine long time ago) I went to Madrid and I met there with a good group of good friends and historical Free Software people from of the Spanish community.
People as Alberto RuÃz (a.k.a. arc), Jesús Climent (a.k.a. data), Roberto Majadas (a.k.a. telemaco), Carlos Garnacho (a.k.a. garnacho), Zazu Vega and MarÃa Majadas.

That was a very good weekend. Lots of fun and even some geeks conversations about GNOME, GTK, Vala, the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, DVCS and much more 🙂
Thanks guys! 🙂