Great GNOME weekend in Madrid

Although I’m from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (the place where the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit is going to be), now I’m living in Seville (also in Spain). Actually the past 10th of January I made my third year here 🙂

I was in Las Palmas for Xtmas and there I was with Alberto (good friend and GNOME hacker), who is living now in Dublin. He told me he was going to make a stop in Madrid, just before to come to Ireland to see some common friends and ask me to go as well.

I couldn’t resist. I was almost one year wanting to come back Madrid and see my friends there. I like so much visit Madrid. I think I couldn’t live there a long period, but I like to go there some times.

Well, this past weekend (the one when people gone crazy because snow in Madrid, which didn’t happen sine long time ago) I went to Madrid and I met there with a good group of good friends and historical Free Software people from of the Spanish community.

People as Alberto Ruíz (a.k.a. arc), Jesús Climent (a.k.a. data), Roberto Majadas (a.k.a. telemaco), Carlos Garnacho (a.k.a. garnacho), Zazu Vega and María Majadas.

Free Software / Open Source friends
Free Software / Open Source friends

That was a very good weekend. Lots of fun and even some geeks conversations about GNOME, GTK, Vala, the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, DVCS and much more 🙂

Thanks guys! 🙂

Hal-info and Xorg

Lately I’m working on a project at work about installing and setting up a custom Linux distro in a small box (VIA EPIA Mini-ITX) with different touchscreens. Differences because there are going to be several of those box and some will be with one touchscreen and some with other.

The real goal is to run on those little boxes just a X with a java application other group have made. I can’t tell so much about the project because the contract say so… Anyway, that’s interesting stuff to do 🙂

My first thought was to use Moblin, a project I’ve already posted about. This project is designed for those kind of products, have a few sets of funcionalities over small distro base and it has a GUI application for building the distro in different formats and even try out via kvm.

All this sounds really cool to me. I knew the project from time ago, but I didn’t pay enough attention to the project (I wanted, but I didn’t find the moment before), so this was good excuse to have a closer look to the project.

The project is nice, with a lot of cool features and a lot of potential, but, actually, it didn’t fit well with my needs. I got to much troubles to get working a very basic Ubuntu based distro where to run the Xorg and the Java application. But now I’m working on fixing some bug and improve the system a bit…

But I needed to finish my tasks, so I took a different approach. Ubuntu Mobile, which was before with Moblin, now they go by their own (or kind of). They got some images already built so I download one and I started to clean things and installing what I needed.

Now we got the distro and the application running, but we’ve still some issues. The worst thing was to set up the Xorg with the Chrome C9 graphic card. We installed first a Ubuntu 8.04 (lpia) based distro and the graphic card didn’t work out the box. But on the Intrepid (Ubunu 8.10) version we got the last openchrome driver, so it did work 🙂

If some one is interesting on make it works on Hardy or another distro which has not the last version, we followed a easy good recipe from Ubuntu docs.

But on Intrepid we found some probles with this driver. The first one wasn’t actually this driver’s issue, it was Xorg’s. I mean, I realized on Intrepid Xorg use Hal and hal-info to for setting up itself.

I tried as a fool to configure the Xorg config file on the old fashion way (dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg), but the file was still empty…

After googling for a while and read some hal specs, docs and examples I learn a lot a bout hal-info. This is actually a really good stuff.Richard Hughes with his post about it open my eyes about Hal, which I’ve already known but I didn’t know its potential. Which is huge, I think.

If you are interesting on, here you have the git repository:

[via web]

[cloning the branch]

git clone git://

I have to use this hal-info thing to let hal setting up the touchscreens properly, because, by default the cursor goes crazy. Don’t worry, I’ll post the quirks and the things I’ll learn when I finish the work 🙂

BTW, more interesting stuff here, on quirks docs:

Enjoy Hal and hal-info 🙂

Hello Planet Gnome

Hi GNOME lovers! 🙂

Finally I arrived on this planet. The one I follow and enjoy every day.

I’ve just came by to say hello and thanks you all the time you share with us, the people who are no so hacker and no so good writer, but who enjoy and learn every day thanks to you.

I’m planning to post about distros (Debian or Ubuntu based mostly), GNOME, moblin, DVCS and any sort of free software stuff which cross my mind. Well, I like to share a new activity I’m trying: parkour, with you. So, if you are interested on those subjects, you’ll be welcome to be around.

Also I like to say I’m not good English writer, so I apologize if your eyes cry blood because of my mistakes. Feel free to tell me when I’m wrong.

Thanks guys. See you soon 🙂

My first GNOME post


This is my first entry on this blog and the first entry on any blog from some time.

But I’m very exciting because this is my first post on my new GNOME blog and I just got it as well as my

For me this is very important thing, because I’m GNOME user from 2000 or so but I got into the Hispanic GNOME community almost from the same time. Gnome-Hispano was my first step into the FLOSS world and GNOME was the project in which I was born as a wannabe_free_software_developer.

I still remember when I meet with telemaco, alo, acs, rodrigo, garnacho and some others gnome devs. They become soon very good friends and gave me the tails to follow for growing as a developer.

At least, at the beginning, I was more into the philosophic part of the FLOSS thing and GNOME community inspired me.

I’m still proud of my first live distro (based on Debian and some script from Knoppix) Gnome-live. This distro was a just 180 Mb live CD with a full functional GNOME Spanish desktop. We (Gnome-Hispano) used it to show the (at least, the Hispanic one) world how powerful but still easy was Linux.
I’m talking about a distro from 2001…

I remember lot of friends and friends of other people who tried it and tested the beauty and easiness of a clean and fancy desktop. That gave me great moments 🙂

OK, GNOME wasn’t on that time so nice, easy, powerful, eye-candy and so on as nowadays is. And even now is not that good. But for the concept people had on that time of Linux world, was fair enough, I think.

Although I was more into the distro world, I liked to program or translate for GNOME. But not much as I had wished. So now I’ll try to fix this. I really like to collaborate more in GNOME.

Anyways, I got some things in mind and I hope to have time (the work and some minimal social life don’t give me so much spare time) for approach them.
We’ll see…

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 España
This work by Juanje Ojeda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 España.