So, four months passed and another release went out the door. I need to get into more regular blogging it seems. The real reason I’m writing this today is to get one of those fancy lookin’ pirate adornments 🙂
Started applying some patches for gnome-terminal this weekend and I was glad to see Dennis commited his HIGification patches too. They’ve been sitting in bugzilla for way too long. Also commited Alan Horkan’s patch to free unused fonts early so on the whole gnome-terminal should be using less memory than ever in HEAD CVS.
On that note I think we really need to blow some life into the memory reduction work again, or at least do some publicity work since it seems to have slowed down a bit again. The wiki page is there and people should feel free to add tasks and thoughts there at any time. I think we’re in better shape than ever though, so maybe that’s the reason the effort seems to have been slowing down.
Going to go through bugzilla for the modules I’m involved with the most and make sure every UI and string related patch gets in early this cycle and I urge all maintainers to do the same. We’ve had string changes and HIG fixes sitting in bugzilla for many release cycles without getting them commited which is bad. I’m also going to drop off the all-bugs alias for a while since it’s just way too much mail to handle and just becomes a time sink.