Bug in gettext that affects GNOME translations

I’ve seen a problem in my translations lately where all C octal escaped UTF-8 characters are converted to the same unicode character, namely ‘Û’’ – or YEH BARREE.

I reported a bug against gettext here:

Today it was confirmed as a bug in gettext which will be fixed in the next release.

Translators should check their translations and see if they’ve been affected by the same issue. A quick grep through my source tree shows that it does 🙂

Update: Newly built packages with the fix can be found here:


git to the resque – gimme back my bytes

Long time no blog – but I’ll make it short even so 🙂

Just a tip that might come in handy for those who haven’t found it out on their own


[kmaraas@e4300 gtk+-2(gtk-2-24 *)]$ du -h


379M    .
[kmaraas@e4300 gtk+-2 (gtk-2-24 *)]$ git gc
Counting objects: 298483, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (50306/50306), done.
Writing objects: 100% (298483/298483), done.
Total 298483 (delta 252603), reused 293574 (delta 247802)
Checking connectivity: 298483, done.

[kmaraas@e4300 gtk+-2(gtk-2-24 *)]$ du -h

293M    .

That’s 90 MB for free…


GoOpen 2011

Just home from this year’s GoOpen conference and wanted to share the only mention of GNOME I registered during the two days the conference lasted 🙂

Simon Phipps gave a talk about software freedom in which he listed a few criteria for being a truly open project. One of those were “Dirty laundry”. Simon said something along the lines of “If the dirty laundry is hidden that’s a bad sign for any project. Which shows what an authentic open project GNOME is.” 🙂

Yay dirty laundry!

GNOME season #10 – “Nothing to see here, move along please”

So what were the earlier seasons about?

  • #1 – The ORB wars (“How to OOM fast – though components sound fun!”)
  • #2 – You can really *scale* this icon on the desktop (“Janitor vs. leaky barge”)
  • #3 – Bonobites vs. eazelites (“Set copenhagen on fire”)
  • #4 – From steering committee to foundation (“From the blackest night into murky waters”)
  • #5 – Breaking the chains (“Who needs a stable branch”)
  • #6 – Piecing it together (“Everone needs a 2.0”)
  • #7 – The long and stable road (“Time based is everything”)
  • #8 – Watch that language (“To which evil empire do we succumb”)
  • #9 – Idiots with misshapen features (“To place a window or not place a window”)

I’m sure we still have a few more seasons in us so let’s get back to work. Mmm where’s that chocolate…

Every time I see clouds brewing on the horizon I visit this site to get myself a good laugh:

Update: I did not mean that we shouldn’t take the issue at hand seriously at all. I surely will. Bad choice of title on my end and probably bad choice of analogies too. Sorry Jeff, in no way think you deserve to be characterized the way Murray did. There has to be better ways for us to settle differences between people and groups within the community than this…


Benoit, sorry for encouraging Mariano to release a fixed tarball for you. I should have waited until you could do it yourself, and I take full responsibility for bypassing you and not following due process.

The incentive was never anything but to have a working tarball in the 2.18.0 beta, so I hope we can still use the end result since the changes made were trivial and only affected docs.

Please reconsider banning the tarball, and again, sorry for the confusion 🙂

Dear Spammer

This is your unique chance to prove for us that the spam prevention solution set up to protect my mail address here: kjartan.maraas@pilot.oslo.kommune.no is worth the cost.

If you want to do this for the rest of the mail addresses in that domain do not hesitate to contact me on the above mail address to get a copy of our mail address database.

Thanks kindly for all your help

It’s blogging time again…

So, four months passed and another release went out the door. I need to get into more regular blogging it seems. The real reason I’m writing this today is to get one of those fancy lookin’ pirate adornments 🙂

Started applying some patches for gnome-terminal this weekend and I was glad to see Dennis commited his HIGification patches too. They’ve been sitting in bugzilla for way too long. Also commited Alan Horkan’s patch to free unused fonts early so on the whole gnome-terminal should be using less memory than ever in HEAD CVS.

On that note I think we really need to blow some life into the memory reduction work again, or at least do some publicity work since it seems to have slowed down a bit again. The wiki page is there and people should feel free to add tasks and thoughts there at any time. I think we’re in better shape than ever though, so maybe that’s the reason the effort seems to have been slowing down.

Going to go through bugzilla for the modules I’m involved with the most and make sure every UI and string related patch gets in early this cycle and I urge all maintainers to do the same. We’ve had string changes and HIG fixes sitting in bugzilla for many release cycles without getting them commited which is bad. I’m also going to drop off the all-bugs alias for a while since it’s just way too much mail to handle and just becomes a time sink.

Building GNOME from CVS using jhbuild continued…

Got most of jhbuild running now but there are still problems:

– mozilla doesn’t install the nss headers so I had to copy them from mozilla/public/nss and mozilla/private/nss to $(prefix)/include/mozilla-{$MOZILLA_VERSION}/nss to get evolution-data-server to build
– librsvg fails to build with gcc4 because of -Werror being set
– nautilus-cd-burner needs a patch to work with the latest HAL
this is available in the fedora core rawhide srpm
– gstreamer doesn’t build with api docs
– gal doesn’t pass make install because of some problem in with the api docs
– gal installs gal.pc but evolution is looking for gal-2.6.pc

Building GNOME from CVS using jhbuild

I’ve been trying to get a full jhbuild running for GNOME 2.12 lately and ran into a couple of problems which should be fixed now hopefully.

There are a few problems with building API docs here and there, and a couple of other issues that I have commited fixes for like broken translations and regular build fixes. Johan also commited a fix for jhbuild to use HEAD of hal and dbus for 2.12 and the stable branches for 2.10. Seems to be working just fine here at least.

I’ll continue to work towards getting a full build running with no problems and file bugs against modules with problems and workarounds where I can find those.

Couldn’t make it to GUADEC this year for various reasons, but I miss being there and look forward to seeing you all next time, if not earlier somewhere. Enjoy the conference! We’ll be drinking beer Irish style agaian before you know it 🙂