On being political

From a blog from Mark Shuttleworth:

Mir is really important work. When lots of competitors attack a project on purely political grounds, you have to wonder what THEIR agenda is.

From upstart vs systemd article for the Debian tech committee by the Upstart maintainer and Debian tech committee member:

SystemD is “greedy”. Most of the recent arguments about why it’s dangerous to adopt upstart instead of systemd center around features that are being built into systemd in a manner that can’t be separated out (e.g., cgroup management in PID 1). There is an advantage to the implementor to put these features in-process in init, because it ensures early availability with no concerns about startup ordering at boot, but it commits downstreams to a monolithic design with respect to parts of the system architecture which are not settled questions in the wider ecosystem. Debian should take a principled position regarding its future architecture, and not find itself at the mercy of other parties who wish to dictate design to us.

Nothing political to see, move along people! 😛 Amazing how lack of features in one project is turned into “principled stance” against the other.