In non-chronological order
- Released Pika Backup 0.4 with scheduled backups and GTK 4 & libadwaita
- Started working on a “Welcome To GNOME” website
- Refactored to share a lot of code with “Welcome to GNOME”
- Reviewed some apps for GNOME Circle and made announcements for new apps that joined
- Upped my espresso game to an entirely new level
- Removed 2600 obsolete lines of code from GTK because YOLO
- First time without therapy after seven years … kind of
- Got the rona from who knows where
- Contributed support for the keyring format to oo7
- Got a bunch of new chisels for woodworking and linoleum print
- Contributed to screenshot guidelines and landed new screenshots for half of the Core apps
- Got awarded the GNOME community appreciation award
- Met a bunch of new faces at Berlin mini GUADEC
- Hosted a BoF about app organization
- Brought app organization and the new incubation process to life
- Dared to touch the Flatpak background portal to make autostarting apps work again
- Made some minimal contributions to libadwaita for the looks
- My money don’t jiggle jiggle
- Managed to fix a nasty bug with notifications disappearing for Clock alarms that had been bugging me a lot
- Finally glazed my first vase
- Launched app.drey as a publicly available app id prefix
- Continued the queer conspiracy
- Dropped the overly specific Key Rack app on an unexpecting world
- Started building a model windmill on a far too small scale
- Started an initiative to fade out legacy app branding that had limited practical impact so far
- Deleted all my twitter accounts
- Been part of a successful initiative to remove gendered terms and price differences between fits from the GNOME shop
- Tried to convince people that we want to pre-select the location shown in the file chooser with little success for the relevant people
- Landed some features for Loupe, like rotation, zoom, scrolling, Exif metadata, and a bunch of bug fixes
- Noticed that displaying images on computers is fundamentally impossible and flawed
- Added support for sending links for specific views on app overview and made many new fields available
- Finally ordered the cat ears.

Thanks for all the great work you’re doing! ❤️