
10:24 pm maemo

Installed OS2008 on n800. Really sexy interface. And it seems a bit faster than it was. Some minor issues (which are just matter of time to see resolved, I hope):

  • the browser is still crashing every now and then
  • no vim available yet – how am I supposed to edit Ruby sources?;)
  • becomeroot package is not available from standard repos, has to be taken from the “old” repo (thanks to the guys on who pointed me out)
  • nearly no 3rd party home page applets yet. I especially miss the one which shown the local wifi IP address…

In general, it is pretty slick piece of software – and gives n800 a second life (and again, raises a question for any person going to buy n810 for a full price – why pay SO much more?).

2 Responses

  1. Dang’s Weblog » Because of the hardware Says:

    […] Sergey: […]

  2. Curtman Says:

    raises a question for any person going to buy n810 for a full price – why pay SO much more?

    And also raises the question why in Canada the N810 isn’t available yet, and the N800 costs almost what the N810 does down south. Our dollar isn’t worth much more than yours anymore, but it is still higher. What’s up with that? It should cost less money to buy it locally.

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