¿HOT or NOT?


I’m Florian Müllner and I’m one of the hundreds who worked on GNOME 3 …

So the weeks of craziness have come to an end – the awesomeness of GNOME 3 is out and the time to celebrate has come.

It is a great achievement, and I am proud and happy to be a part of it and the community which made it happen.

If you have not tried it out yourself yet, do so now. Seriously.

Just be warned – once you’ve fallen for it, there’s no turning back. One of those little details will get at you, and you’ll live happily ever after. What will it be for you? The new System Settings? Streamlined Nautilus? Resident notifications? Chat integration? Topic-based help? The modern and polished theme?

All of those are awesome, but it’s actually a very tiny detail which does it for me:

Each time I find myself forced to use GNOME 2 now, I end up throwing the pointer to the upper left corner, followed by mild irritation and the feeling of something seriously missing. Muscle memory at its best …

Indeed, this is one of the many ways that we’ve made GNOME 3 better.

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One Response to ¿HOT or NOT?

  1. Cristian says:

    The polished theme got into me a bit, but the rest… I’m still waiting for focus-follows-mouse to mention only one thing.

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