Now that Kathy’s said it, I hope I can say it myself without sounding like an MCP: there was, indeed, an infeasibly high proportion of gorgeous young women in and around Barcelona… I fear that’s one battle that Brummy GUADEC has already lost <flamesuit action=”on” />
Unlike Kathy, though, to my eyes an equally-unusual proportion of Mediterranean women (and men) seem to look old before their time, and I didn’t really see much to change my mind in Catalonia… maybe it’s the wrinkles from all that squinting into the sun, which, to be fair, I’d happily accept as a side-effect myself if I lived somewhere that sunny. (But preferably not quite so hot.)
Sun ages the skin something terrible, it’s very common for people to look like they’re 50 when only 30 in the Med areas I find.
It’s funny also how foreign countries always seem to have a lot of gorgeous women. I was thinking the same thing about Switzerland the other day. I suspect there is some as-yet-unnamed psychological force at work here