GXml: Objects and Collections to XML and back

Today I’ve finished to push last implementation for GXml GOM, to allow write, to XML:

  • Object Properties, as child nodes of current class
  • Object Properties, as element’s attributes
  • Object Collection Properties, referencing XML child nodes

Object Properties

In GXml GOM, any GomElement is an XML Element node. If it has GomElement as properties, they will be added as child nodes.

Object Properties as Attributes

If your GObject class implements GomProperty interface, and is a property in your object, it will be translated to an Element attributes with a name and a text value.

For simple types, this means you can control if an attribute is written or not, depending if it is not null. Standard properties, not GObject classes implementing GomProperty, they will be always written with its default value. This is, for example, a boolean will always use false by default.

Using GomProperty, you can define default actions when a property is omitted in XML file.

Complex Object Properties

Some times, your string representation of attributes include more information than just values, like units. In GSVG, you have an attribute like: length=”3.8 cm. You can implement an object with properties for each value component like:

public class Length : Object {

public double value { get; set; }

public UnitsEnum units { get; set; }


With GXml GOM, is now possible to implement W3C SVG 1.1 specification interfaces, most objects will be complex properties to be translated to Element’s attributes. Once you implement a way to parse a string representation to your object’s properties and back, you can have GomProperty objects in your GomElement to be de/serialized to attributes.


GomElement objects are containers, by definition, in DOM4. It can have child nodes of different local names and namespaces.

Once you have a set of different nodes, may you want classify them by their node’s names and for, for example, its id attribute.

GXml GOM, have added a set of basic collection classes, implementing GomCollection interface. ArrayList and HashMap, are classes you can use to access child nodes. All references are to child node’s indexes, no copy or ref-counted objects.


If you want to see how implement different kind of classes and properties, you can checkout GXml repository Unit Tests.

Author: despinosa

Linux and GNOME user, full time, since 2001. Actual maintainer of GXml and contributor to other projects mainly on GObject Introspection support.

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