Well hello there, dear Internet.
So yes, it’s been quite some time since the last blogpost. A lot has been going on, but that will be for future blogposts.
Currently at GUADEC 2014 in Strasbourg, France. Lots of interesting talks and people around.
Quite a few discussions with several people regarding future GStreamer improvements (1.4.0 is freshly out, we need to prepare 1.6 already). I’ll most likely be concentrating on the whole QA and CI side of things (more builds, make them clearer, make them do more), plan how to do nightly/weekly releases (yes, finally, I kid you not !). We also have a plan to make it faster/easier/possible for end-users (non-technical ones) to get GStreamer in their hands. More on that soon (unless Sebastian blogs about it first).
If you want to come hack on GStreamer and Pitivi, or discuss with the various contributors, there’s a Hackfest taking place at GUADEC from Wednesday to Friday. More info at https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2014/BOFs/Pitivi
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