The “I use Shotwell as a photo manager” Flickr pool

One tangible reward with writing software is to see your hard work put to practical use.  A great place to see Shotwell put to work by “average” users is at the “I use Shotwell as a photo manager” Flickr photostream.  I put quotes around “average” because these photos were not produced by average users in any way — whether or not they’re sophisticated computer users, they certainly have an above-average command of light and lens.  The next time someone says open-source software hasn’t produced anything useful for the “average” user, send them to this Flickr group’s page.

Browse the entire collection when you get a chance, there are some great ones.  I’ve embedded below a few that caught my eye, but there’s plenty more to admire in the almost 400 photos (and counting) in the pool. I can’t say with any certainty how involved Shotwell was in the process of producing these fantastic images, but I like to believe it was more than a little…

Misty Morning


Qui disait que les yeux étaient les fenêtres de l'âme?

We're gonna need a bigger boat

Nets,sun and bird.


Mountain Stream, waterfall

Rosemajella Fishing Boat (Rathlin Island)

Blue tit

The Morning Mist

Happy worker

Shotwell 0.11.2 is Here!

Yorba has just released Shotwell 0.11.2, a bug-fix release. We recommend that all users upgrade. Features of this release include:

  • Improved stability working with hierarchical tags
  • Importing hierarchical tags from F-Spot doesn’t generate duplicate top-level tags
  • Fixed “server redirect contained no session key” errors in the Facebook Connector
  • Corrected problems with item counts over mixed media
  • Various small fixes and enhancements

Download a source tarball from the Shotwell home page at:

Binaries for Ubuntu Natty are available at Yorba’s Launchpad PPA:

Shotwell 0.11.1 released

Today Yorba has released Shotwell 0.11.1. This is a bug fix release; we recommend all users upgrade.


  • RAW+JPEG pairing now works on file import
  • Startup crashes fixed
  • Hierarchical tag issues resolved
  • RAW developer bugs fixed
  • Resolved internationalization problems
  • Various small fixes and enhancements

Download a source tarball from the Shotwell home page at:

Binaries for Ubuntu Natty is available at Yorba’s Launchpad PPA:

Shotwell 0.11.1: Call for testing

Shotwell 0.11.0 is here, and you know what that means — time for Shotwell 0.11.1.  We rely on our users to help test Shotwell to make it the most polished and stable photo manager possible.  But we can’t do that without your help.

Never done testing with us before? It’s easy! Here’s how.

1. Back up your Shotwell database (recommended)

This is as simple as making a backup copy of the .shotwell directory in your home folder.  The Shotwell FAQ explains backups in detail.

2. Run Shotwell

Run Shotwell 0.11.0 or run from Git. Play around with your favorite features, try doing crazy things,  and make sure everything works the way you expect.

3. Report a bug

Found a bug? If you haven’t done so already, sign up for Yorba’s Redmine bug tracker and then file a new ticket.

If you’ve found a crash in Shotwell, there’s a section in our FAQ which explains how to generate a log that can help us diagnose the issue.

JIm Nelson's blog + archives from Yorba Foundation's original blog