Some new packages for maemo bora
18. April 2007
There are new packages availible for maemo bora:
- Update: Packages for glibmm/gtkmm: These packages fix a nasty bug that will cause a crash when using Gtk::TextBuffer so everybody is encouraged to upgrade
- New: Package for libgda3 which brings the GNOME database power to maemo. Please note that this is not yet the final release of libgda and that the packages may have some rough edges.
Both packages are available from the bora-extras repository:
deb bora free
deb-src bora free
1. May 2007 at 11:34
Cool work with packaging gda for maemo.
I blogged about gda packages’ issues.
4. May 2007 at 10:07
Piotras, I’m commenting here because your captcha is insanely impossible to read:
It’s not clear whether you are talking about the new Maemo website, or about running Midgard on the internet tablet. Well done, either way.
I had no idea that midgard uses libgda. libgda 3.0 has only recently become stable.