Anjuta ubuntu repository

20. July 2007

So, as requested in the talk:

1) Add ‘deb ./’ in your /etc/apt/sources.list
2) Create a file called /etc/apt/preferences and enter the following:

Package: anjuta
Pin: version 2.*
Pin-Priority: 990

Package: anjuta-common
Pin: version 2.*
Pin-Priority: 990

Package: anjuta-dev
Pin: version 2.*
Pin-Priority: 990

3) sudo apt-get update
4) sudo apt-get install anjuta
(anjuta-dev, if you want to write anjuta plugins)

More to come soon…

One Response to “Anjuta ubuntu repository”

  1. Chris Lord Says:

    As I mentioned on Anjuta’s forums, if you used the correct version number (with the epoch, i.e. ‘1:2.2.0’ instead of just ‘2.2.0’), you wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of pinning older packages over newer ones. I love Anjuta btw 🙂

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