16. October 2007
My new gpg fingerprint (the old expired yesterday):
pub 1024D/65C9F9B3 2007-10-16 [expires: 2008-10-15]
Key fingerprint = 0B62 1B33 85B8 086B B000 BB3F 02F6 599F 65C9 F9B3
sub 2048g/DEB909FC 2007-10-16 [expires: 2008-10-15]
18. October 2007 at 0:24
You don’t need to issue a new key; that way you lose all of your signatures. You can just change the expiry date by editing the key (which places a new self-signature on the key). Keyservers and gpg can’t rely on the time being valid in any meaningful cryptographic sense so they don’t do anything magic to disable a key when it’s “expired”, it’s just a date they check against the current date when the key is used. Also, anyone who is actually concerned about sending you encrypted mail or verifying your signature shouldn’t trust your blog to know what your key is…