Toronto Hackfest

22. March 2011

Tomorrow will be the last day of the Toronto Documentation Hackfest so I would like to summarize what happened to the developer documentation:

A bunch of tutorial-style demos (online preview) have been added to the gnome-devel-docs though I would wish there were even more. If your favourite programming language is missing demos it would be great if you could add them following the style of the existing demos. P. F. Chimento did a great review of these demos. Thanks!

Germán worked on updating the platform overview and I guess he will blog about the results himself. The website that is currently shown as image on should be mostly in a good state though some links need to be checked and I hope the marketing-team will review it once the awesome F?ederic Peters gets around setting up an instance for testing somewhere.

Help on setting up the development environment

Furthermore I created a bunch of wiki pages explaining how to install a decent development environment for GNOME 3. It currently contains information on Ubuntu and Fedora that has to be tested and I would love to see people adding more distributions.

Those installation instructions are linked from and the demos itself so we should take care that they always work and install the versions required.

Related to that, Michael Terry from Ubuntu made sure that the gnome3 ppa will have new version of Anjuta, Glade and Devhelp so that people can follow the tutorials and have an easy start on GNOME 3 Development. Thanks a bunch!

Anjuta Help

The Anjuta manual is quite outdated so I stubbed out a new task-based help for it. Unfortunately I won’t have time to fill that with content but it would be great if people would fill this with live. It is really easy with the mallard format and the help of the GNOME Documentation Team.

These and that

Of course, there are plenty of things discussed in a hackfest between the lines like Ubuntu/GNOME relations and GNOME3 in general. As we have people from all side involved it is always amazing how sane everybody is about all this and how few practical problems exist despite all this flame-war.

We switched to the hotel today as the internet connection at the university broke down (they apparently fixed that already…):

One Response to “Toronto Hackfest”

  1. Julie Pichon Says:

    Love the online preview. Great job! 🙂

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