scrabble: Owen came over last night, and we played scrabble and ate chinese food. It was a lot of fun, though owen got miserable hands. I got a bingo with ‘sunrays’ and got 79 points as a result.
parents: Went home to California after a few days. My dad helped mow the lawn making it look a lot more respectable.
rabbits: Finished reading watership down last night. Wonderful book. It made me feel like a rabbit for a while. Next up: Tales (Tails?) from Watership Down.
hacking: I have a lot of catching up to do.
taxes: suck
Sat 14 Apr 2001
location (home): Back in town. Parents came to visit. I’m very very busy.
Tue 10 Apr 2001
dcm: Dave just wishes he were as godlike as I am.
Tue 10 Apr 2001
guadec: It’s over now. It ended up being one gigantic blur of hackers, meetings, discussions, and other such goings on. There’s a lot of cool stuff going on in GNOME right now — we just need to finish it all and get a release out.
location (copenhagen): Spent a lot of time wandering around the city (and certainly have the blisters to prove it. Saw the danish national museum, with gleblanc, Yu Yu (from mandrake) and the other labs guys this morning. Lots of Viking paraphernalia. I’ll try to write up a more detailed account (with photos!) of Copenhagen when I get back.
sas: No room to type in these seats. Playing 102 dalmations doesn’t improve my mood at all.
nautilus: It’s actually pretty darn cool (when it works) for viewing files. I took a lot of photos with the digital camera and used this to play with them afterwards.
Fri 06 Apr 2001
guadec: Really busy day. Helped give a GTK+-2.0 this morning by confusing everyone on how the new tree widget works. Hopefully every one will figure out how to use it as well as how cool it is. Saw a talk on . Missed Rob Gringle’s talk while eating lunch, and trying to get the networking working. Still haven’t read my mail. Saw a sobering talk on usability by a Sun engineer. Watched Michael Meeks talk on bonobo with Owen later. Had a pretty fun talk with Jody, who showed me what is happening in gnumeric. Finally, working group with everyone on GNOME and Havoc describing the Foundations discussions.
GNOME: There’s a lot of cool stuff going on!
food: Danish food is pretty interesting, but not great. We had a nice Danish lunch yesterday with pickled cabbage pickled herring, some sort of white potatoes, and gravy. Lunch was interesting. I put what I thought was cheese on my sandwich, only to find it was shredded horseraddish. There was some mayonnaise-like substance that wasn’t mayonnaise (I never figured out what it was.)
location (copenhagen): Sort of dreary and depressing. It’s also fairly compact. Very bike accessible. I like that.
Tue 03 Apr 2001
words: Zana just gave an explanation for what the CVS sign below meant. It means that, at midnight, they open the till. Prime time to rob it, I guess…
Tue 03 Apr 2001
caulk: Finally caulked the bathtub. Not sure how good a job I did, but we’ll find out over time. I learned three valuable lessons doing so. First, using masking tape to line your edges is good. Second, you really want to use more then you think. Third, remove the shower curtain before starting. )-:
hacking (GTK+-HEAD): Closed the last of my API bugs today (the “range_changed” signal and the “expand_row”, “collapse_row” signals). This means that the tree is completely frozen API wise for 2.0. That would be nice…
packing (guadec): Did a lot of laundry tonight. Need to actually throw it in a bag tomorrow.
GNOME: 1.4 was released tonight. In many ways, it’s a somewhat uninteresting release of GNOME. I had very little to do with the release, for the first time in a long time. It is an important release though, and will have to bridge us over to 2.0. That release _will_ kick ass…
Mon 02 Apr 2001
words: The local CVS pharmacy has a big sign on it claiming to be “Open Till Midnight”. I’m not sure if that’s correct or not, but I’d use “Open ’til Midnight”, or even “Open Until Midnight”.
Mon 02 Apr 2001
name: The Notre Dame Women’s Basketball coach is named Muffy McGraw. What a cool name!
Mon 02 Apr 2001
hacking (GTK+-HEAD): Not a lot of work done today. Still, wrote a simple little test program to see if speed is a problem. I’m not sure yet.
movie (Being John Malkovich): Watched with Zana tonight while I did laundry.
books: Went used book shopping with Zana. We got $65 worth, which stretched pretty far. I got “Children of Dune”, 3 of the (very stupid, but influential in my life) Conrad Stargard books, a couple playing card books, and “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.” This should keep me busy for a while.
grout: Discovered an ant graveyard when removing grout. Very disturbing.
April Fools: There were no funny April Fools jokes this year. crackmonkey’s rant was pretty funny, but unintentional.