As I told you on a previous post, I’m starting to practice parkour, thanks to one friend who really pratices this from time ago.
But now the weather is quiet bad. Ar east for me, at least for practicing parkour. It’s kind of dangerous to jump and run over wet floors, steps, walls, and so.
We were about to go out to run on weekend, but was rainning, so we didn’t. I was with some friends in a funky concert, which was also fun, so wasn’t bad weekend after all π

Anyways, I was reading info about parkour. Techniques, trainings, moves and so. And also watching lots of videos and movies to learn the flow.
I watch movies like District 13, a not very remarkable action movie, but for the moves and runs of David Belle, known for being one of the father of parkour. The guy is really amazing…
And I found stuff to read on Parkourpedia, from where I got some pdfs with good stuff about techniques and how to start. Nice π
The good thing of parkour is that you can practice anywhere and when you start to feel the philosophy behind the discipline, you see all the places and things as part of your playground. So you beginning to see the obstacles, not as so, but as things you can overcome and ways to pass through π
Ok, I just start, but it’s not very different of the free and urban climb I used to do time ago. I still remember that time where I wasn’t seeing walls, but ways to climb up, neither buildings, but things and place where climb around… I use to feel free on those moments… Really zen moments π
The next week I go to Gran Canaria (my real place π ) and I guess there will be a better weather and I will practice more.
Anyways, even today, when I was frozen waiting fro the train to come home from work, I was playing some moves to work out my balance and precision (and, actually, to keep me a bit more warm…).
Well, I’ll tell you my progress and things I learn. I hope you enjoy as much I do π
Cool stuff. I really like to start practicing parkour too, but I have no idea where to start from. And the weather is so bad here that I prolly have no choice other than thinking about it again in the Spring.
Thanks π
Well, the weather is a problem, but maybe you could make the problem work in your own interest. That’s parkour, which is much as marcial arts and more disciplines that teach you how to see the world in a different way. A way where everything is connected and makes sense, so you can always turn “bad things” into just things. And overcome them or use them in your best.
I will better explain myself…
If you like parkour, but you don’t know the basics and you just know what you have seen in movies, you probably will try to start doing things you are prepared to.
That’s normal. And it’s normal in any activity. But here could be dangerous or slow you down in your progress.
So, as you can’t doing big jumps from roof to roof or running jumping through your city, you will have more time to learn well the basics techniques and teach your body how to do things.
The bad side is that is more much fun to jump and run free, but if you are patient and practice until the weather be good enough, you’ll probably improve faster and safer.
I would start improving my balance and precision. It’s easy to practise anywhere, even indoor.
I think in the link I post are doc about the different basics moves.
But probably there are local group on your town (or near by). I didn’t know that here were a group and actually, I think there is more than one.
If you want examples of exercises or so to start, I like to post some of the training I’m following.
The parkour founders made another movie back in 2001, called “Yamakasi”. The plot is quite bad, but the action scenes are nice.