
Top committers (by # of commits)

(since 1 Jan 2007)

who commits lines added lines removed
ymarcheg 1428 538669 103168
alexl 1384 268475 223803
neo 1312 153253 148713
jorgegonz 1246 452563 361810
dnylande 1174 493472 455947
jsacco 1062 16676 18785
matthiasc 941 1018629 886572
djihed 903 381529 325918
kmaraas 856 172223 193721
vuntz 763 60436 32399

Views and hits views
7,870,044 since 28 May 2006 (not sure where to see this in the UI) hits
3,059,931 since 21 Oct 2007 (seems high) hits
194,106,454 since 1 Dec 2006 hits
100,426,775 hits since 1 Dec 2006 (actually expected this to be more popular than wgo) hits
1,664,134 hits since 21 Oct 2007
107,836,758 hits to /svn/ (anonymous checkouts) and 7,717,665 hits to the rest of the site (images, viewvc) since 1 Jan 2007, this ignoring ssl/ssh/svn traffic

Status of 10×10

During GUADEC in 2005, Jeff Waugh started 10×10. The one goal is this: “To Own 10 % of the Global Desktop Market by 2010”. This was well announced and it is even linked on the start page of However, 10×10 had another goal and that hasn’t been announced up till now. If you’ve been reading Planet GNOME closely, you’ve already seen the first success. Now the other 10×10 goal saw it second success with the creation of SVN account ismaild. Going by the name of İsmail Dönmez (having first it is the second person to be converted to GNOME. The other 8 persons needed to complete the secondary 10×10 target have already been selected, although they don’t know it yet…

Upgrade log

Random bits from the menubar upgrade earlier today:

  • Upgrade started at 10:30 UTC when Matthew Galgoci upgraded the machine from RHEL3 to RHEL5. I think it was the middle of the night for him, did not dare to ask though. This took in total about 2 hours. A long part of that was spend on adding SELinux labels.
  • Stuff that broke in some way:
    • website (needed to change config to include GNOME bits)
    • postfix (due to: being disabled on purpose, RHEL5 installing sendmail and forced downgrade to the RHEL5 postfix instead of the newer custom postfix rpm it still had from RHEL3)
    • NFS (it didn’t install nfs-utils for some reason)
    • bind (error in a zone file that the previous Bind did not care about)
    • amavisd (due to *much* newer clamav. this used a different config file; that config file didn’t enable the localsocket plus socket location changed)
    • clamav (didn’t have access to /var/spool/amavis)
    • mailgraph (the custom rpm used different file locations than the custom rpm used for RHEL3)
    • script around mhonarc (due to overlooking the perl-Mail-Field-Received custom rpm that needed a rebuild)
    • p0f (worked after I restarted it.. not sure why)
    • mailman (didn’t break, just rebuild it because of the newer Python)
  • Menubar sent at one point around 1850 mails/minute
  • Menubar received at one point around 2400 mails/minute
    Menubar mail performance
  • Unfortunately, above numbers are much lower than what menubar can really do. This as menubar still had 3 config problems at that time; causing it to be much slower than usual. Problems in short: p0f running at 100%, hung mhonarc process slowing down mailman archive processing and amavis checking every bugmail.
  • Found a yum plugin that works like protectbase, but for RHN. This works really nice in combination with custom YUM sources (Dag Wieers). Meaning: Only upgrade stuff from other sources if RHEL5 doesn’t provide it. This as I trust RHEL5 more (purpose of custom yum sources is usually to get the latest version asap.. but those newer versions can have bugs in them.. or work differently than before).
  • Changed the timezone of the server to UTC
  • Mail server config was tested by: firewalling port 25 externally, binding postfix to localhost and sending test mails to bugmaster until every problem was fixed (except the slow mailman processing.. caused by hung mhonarc process.. I noticed that early on, but overlooked the 2nd mhonarc process). After that I first enabled all interfaces (while still being firewalling port 25 externally) to let menubar process the bugmail queue (plus Wiki mails). This is a good stress test. After that I opened port 25 externally and flushed the mailqueue on socket (causing lots of svn-commits-list emails in a very short time). Only after most of the svn-commits-list queue was processed did I notice the cause of the slow mailman.. and p0f using 100% CPU (oh well).
  • Upgrade as good as completed at 16:45 UTC (external mail worked already at ~15:00). The machine still needs a reboot (newer kernel).

and with above another item of the 2.22 RoadMap has been completed.

Mail going down

Sorry for late notice. In about 10 hours or less, we’ll upgrade menubar to RHEL5. Means mail and DNS will be down.

Mohammad DAMT

Mohammad joined the Accounts Team. Welcome aboard! And sorry for delaying your RT3 + Mango setup.


Accounts team members can now actually reject accounts and see accounts in all statuses. There are loads more things to fix. Some of these have been filed as bugs, see Bugzilla if you want to help (really appreciated). Some just require basic PHP as skill.

Bugzilla is now at

Just FYI: The machine hosting Bugzilla has a hardware failure. Bugzilla is now at Please put

in /etc/hosts. It can take up to one day before this DNS update is visible everywhere.

Don’t forget the planned menubar upgrade later today. This machine does mail and primary DNS

GNOME 2.20.1 released

Please read the announcement here.

New SVN accounts:

Module Number
n/a (new modules, etc) 2
gnome-subtitles 1
ooo-build 2
tomboy 2

As announced in the GNOME 2.20.1 release mail, each GNOME module needs to add 5 new developers before 31 December 2007.

Searching the archives

I’ve changed more of to the new layout. Thanks to Frederic Peters, I now know how to make Google search a specific part of the site/URL, without showing inurl:$FOO in the search box. This means now uses Google instead of Namazu (which was broken for a while). One less thing that needs maintaining. Currently the machine is regenerating the archives to ensure everything has the new layout. It still needs a few fixes (want to use the sidebar, change the footer and change layout of the messages), but at least you can search recent messages.
Note: This means you cannot search private archives anymore. As searching was broken anyway, I’ll leave it for someone else to fix.

GNOME 2.20.1
I’m going to make the GNOME 2.20.1 release. Hopefully everything will go ok.

Dear Menubar, I do not like you

Frederic Peters finished making look like a GNOME site. Andreas Nilsson helped by changing the icon to one made by Sebastian Kraft (which Fer still hasn’t committed in a Bug-Buddy version.. hint hint hint). Further, the site now is only accessible via port 80. The port 5000 stuff is gone/firewalled. Nice to get people helping out!

I asked Frederic if he could change the other GNOME sites (except Bugzilla and the soon obsolete to use the new style layout as well. Anyone is free to help out with this. Just look for SVN modules ending with ‘-web’.
For, Frederic changed the main page and added the CSS + images. After that I copied his stuff and changed the archive index page as well (created by a script in a sysadmin-only SVN module). Until you click a few times, looks much better. Note that mailman layout is difficult to change, I only want to concentrate on the archives.


Unfortunately, wasn’t updated automatically from SVN. There is a script to handle most of it in a sysadmin module. So I enabled this for Immediately I got an error message via the mail… forgot that the machine (menubar) is RHEL3. The script assumes at least Python 2.4. A lot of sysadmin scripts cannot be improved just because of that one machine still being RHEL3. As it is our mail machine, any downtime will have a noticeable effect. However, I really am annoyed by the RHEL3 + too many custom RPM packages and general hackiness of the setup.
That is why I plan to upgrade the machine on October 20 to RHEL5. This is probably the most uncertain upgrade out of all machines hosted at Red Hat. Many of the packages used by that machine are custom (Postfix, mailman, mhonarc, amavis.. basically everything that should run on the machine is not standard RHEL3). Since the upgrade of the other machines to RHEL5 I haven’t seen much progress towards avoiding anything other than a ‘upgrade and see what happens’.

Crash GNOME org

Fernando Herrera released Bug-Buddy 2.20.1. In this version he added support for submitting crashreports to the GNOME Socorro server. The web frontend for this is available at: Note: it currently redirects to port 5000. However, I’ll change that soon to only allow access from normal port 80; port 5000 will be firewalled again.

This work is all very recent, it requires a bit of work. Stuff that needs doing (by Fernando, you or me):

  • I quickly made the web frontend look more like a GNOME site. However, needs finishing.
  • Finish up the installation instructions. Probably need to ask Fer to add the stuff he did.
  • Add scripts to download the -debug packages for Fedora, see if they are linked against GTK+, or libglib in case of libs and store the symbols. Later goal is to expand for other distributions. However, ideally (when everything works well enough), it would be best if distributions could host their own server.
  • Ensure everything will work well enough to allow distributions to host their own Socorro servers. This can be done already, but there aren’t even example scripts yet to parse -debug packages (AFAIK, maybe Fer has something).
  • Somehow a crash report needs to be forwarded to GNOME Bugzilla. Hopefully Fer has an idea (mainly about how to determine a new crasher and ensure it was not reported already to Bugzilla)


Because bug-buddy in 2.20 is activated as a GTK module, it will now see crashes from all GTK+ applications. This even if they do not link against libgnome. Ideally we should get these crashreports to the developers/maintainers of these apps. This is related to ensuring that when a server is run by a distribution we will still be able to see the crashreports. There should be something generic enough to either push the top crashers to a project or some kind of pull system (current web interface seems a bit simple).

Note: Fer added DWARF2 to Socorro/Breakpad. However, that was added by hacking in some GPL’d code. This cannot be merged upstream as they use some other license. The GNOME version of this is available as the socorro module in

Since the availability of debug packages, people have requested Bug-Buddy to install them. However, with the loads of different package formats/frontends this wasn’t easy to solve (although work is being done to solve this). Further, the debug packages are usually very big in size. Really nice to have a better solution. Thanks Fer!

Mango gone live

The new system to request accounts (Mango) has gone live. Updated instructions for people wanting an SVN account are at: The maintainers listed in the various MAINTAINERS files have received instructions on how the system works. This email also contains information regarding another (intended for foundation members) GNOME service you’ll have access to. Suggest to read the email asap.

Note: I haven’t added the translator coordinators yet.


Last 2 weeks I had loads of time to hack on Mango. I will have much less time from now on. There are still a few things I want implemented (by me, Baris, someone else):

  • Move Foundation member information into LDAP
    This is a huge amount of work. Need to rewrite the Mango parts, enhance the LDAP schema (probably new schema + conversion), port all scripts currently using the database, need somehow to setup users (e.g., might not have an LDAP account atm), etc.
  • Allow people to either change their Mango password, or request a new one
    Not hard, mostly worried about security.
  • Allow maintainers to change for their modules who the maintainers are
  • Allow people to change their LDAP details (SSH keys, email address)
    Security regarding SSH keys is ehr.. difficult.
  • Allow existing LDAP users to request additional permissions for their account (e.g., ability to upload modules, or the alias)
  • Export the maintainer data (only module name, username) as XML

For general discussion, please use the gnome-infrastructure mailing list. If you find bugs, please file them in GNOME Bugzilla, Infrastructure, sysadmin, mango.