Visited countries

Following the meme started on (but one week late), here is a list of countries that I have visited…

Rather dense in Europe, but unfortunately not much outside of it. I am planning to change that.

North America is shown as one big piece, but to tell the thruth, my visits to Canada have been limited to Quebec (plus one airport stop that doesn’t count) and my visits to the US include only CA, AZ, NV and UT (plus DC and IL if you include airports). Note that the isolated red dots (islands) around Hawaii are incorrect and came as a side effect of selecting the US, but most of the other ones are correct.

Update: Two months later, I managed to fix the title of this entry. It turns out that NewsBruiser gets sometimes confused with its authentication cookie and displays the unhelpful error message “Error: I don’t think you meant to enter that as the title.” if you put anything in the title. Submitting an entry without title worked, though. Solution: go to the configuration page, select “Security”, re-enter your password and enable or disable the authentication cookie. After that, you can enter titles again. <sarcasm>Why didn’t I think of this obvious solution before?</sarcasm>

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