n810: random rants

hardware, maemo 14 Comments

The browser in OS2008 is a huge disappointment. It hangs after every couple of pages, only “kill process” helps. Is it me? Is it about adblock and greazemonkey extensions? I do not know… But at the moment my n810 can not be used for browsing at all 🙁

Regarding the built-in GPS – according to what I hear from various people, there are 2 sorts of devices – “good ones” and “bad ones”. The “bad ones” (like mine) take ages to establish the fix.

And the last (but not least) – the hardware keyboard does not allow to switch between Russian and English layouts. You can have either – but not both (welcome to the Control Panel if you want to change layout). What kind of usability is it? For the company located a couple of hundred kilometers from Russia, it is odd;) The on-screen keyboard is more usable for me ATM.


maemo 3 Comments

TWIMC: I registered the project on garage.maemo.org. The current code is in SVN. My plans (in no particular order):

  • Try upgrading to 2.0.9 (or latest 2.0.x whatever it is in SVN stable branch)
  • Fixing configure.in (at the moment, the only way to build is dpkg-buildpackage)
  • Trying to get as much code into upstream as possible. May be, separate client subdirectory would be needed (gui-maemo as a heavily modified copy of gui-gtk-2.0)
  • Eventually, upgrade to the freeciv trunk

And, sure, bugfixing bugfixing. No deadlines – my spare time is really scarce.

Everyone is very welcome to build, complain etc. Sure, patches are especially welcome.


N810: here

hardware, maemo 11 Comments

So, yesterday I got it. Again, thanks to Nokia for the developer device program. Nice piece of hardware indeed – but nothing revolutionary, as I expected.  Some comments (mostly rants – but my gratitude is still there and it is huge):

  1. Built-in GPS is cool. But why does it take ages to establish the connection (I do not even mention the fact that it does not work in the room). I hope Nokia would fix it in the updated software (hopefully it is not a hardware issue).
  2. The car mount is well-thought. But I am not going to use screws to attach it to my dashboard. Probably there must be some other way to use it…
  3. The keyboard … well, I guess it will take some time to get used to it. I still did not figure out how to switch between English and Russian layout (which was trivial on n800 on-screen keyboard).
  4. Nokia added special lock/unlock hardware switch. Nice touch. But IMHO much more useful would be two hardware volume control keys (or dial or whatever).
  5. Why oh why they switched from SD to MiniSD? My 2G card I bought for n800 is useless here 🙁 And now I cannot take SD card from my Nikon D80 and show just made photos on shiny n810 screen :((( Seriously, could anyone explain? It seems MiniSD standard is dying (if you check on ebay). I could better understand switching to MicroSD… Strange move indeed. (as a side note, I do not quite understand the change of the USB socket as well).
  6. They added 2G unmountable internal flash. Good and wise decision. But why didn’t they move /usr to that volume (may be, along with /home)? Having 256M for all filesystems is not too much – I noticed it in n800 days. I simply cannot install all interesting stuff from Application Manager!

Overall – I think Nokia is moving in the right direction. My only concern is the pace of the move. While the change from 770 to n800 was a huge leap, the change from n800 to n810 is a small step. Lads, please do not slow down. You are making a very cool gadgets – and there is still a room for improvement, I strongly believe you can make great gadgets.

Nokia N810: ordered

hardware, maemo 4 Comments

The discount codes seem to be working now. My N810 is on my way to me. Thanks a lot Nokia.

As another bit of my humble contribution (expressing the gratitude, you know;) – I’m putting some effort into making freeciv run on OS2008. There was initial version, made by Markku Vire for 770 – but apparently it does not run on OS2008 (yet). At least now it builds and starts – but more work is necessary. So we’ll see how it goes…