January 15, 2008
hardware, maemo
The browser in OS2008 is a huge disappointment. It hangs after every couple of pages, only “kill process” helps. Is it me? Is it about adblock and greazemonkey extensions? I do not know… But at the moment my n810 can not be used for browsing at all 🙁
Regarding the built-in GPS – according to what I hear from various people, there are 2 sorts of devices – “good ones” and “bad ones”. The “bad ones” (like mine) take ages to establish the fix.
And the last (but not least) – the hardware keyboard does not allow to switch between Russian and English layouts. You can have either – but not both (welcome to the Control Panel if you want to change layout). What kind of usability is it? For the company located a couple of hundred kilometers from Russia, it is odd;) The on-screen keyboard is more usable for me ATM.
January 11, 2008
TWIMC: I registered the project on garage.maemo.org. The current code is in SVN. My plans (in no particular order):
- Try upgrading to 2.0.9 (or latest 2.0.x whatever it is in SVN stable branch)
- Fixing configure.in (at the moment, the only way to build is dpkg-buildpackage)
- Trying to get as much code into upstream as possible. May be, separate client subdirectory would be needed (gui-maemo as a heavily modified copy of gui-gtk-2.0)
- Eventually, upgrade to the freeciv trunk
And, sure, bugfixing bugfixing. No deadlines – my spare time is really scarce.
Everyone is very welcome to build, complain etc. Sure, patches are especially welcome.

January 11, 2008
hardware, maemo
So, yesterday I got it. Again, thanks to Nokia for the developer device program. Nice piece of hardware indeed – but nothing revolutionary, as I expected. Some comments (mostly rants – but my gratitude is still there and it is huge):
- Built-in GPS is cool. But why does it take ages to establish the connection (I do not even mention the fact that it does not work in the room). I hope Nokia would fix it in the updated software (hopefully it is not a hardware issue).
- The car mount is well-thought. But I am not going to use screws to attach it to my dashboard. Probably there must be some other way to use it…
- The keyboard … well, I guess it will take some time to get used to it. I still did not figure out how to switch between English and Russian layout (which was trivial on n800 on-screen keyboard).
- Nokia added special lock/unlock hardware switch. Nice touch. But IMHO much more useful would be two hardware volume control keys (or dial or whatever).
- Why oh why they switched from SD to MiniSD? My 2G card I bought for n800 is useless here 🙁 And now I cannot take SD card from my Nikon D80 and show just made photos on shiny n810 screen :((( Seriously, could anyone explain? It seems MiniSD standard is dying (if you check on ebay). I could better understand switching to MicroSD… Strange move indeed. (as a side note, I do not quite understand the change of the USB socket as well).
- They added 2G unmountable internal flash. Good and wise decision. But why didn’t they move /usr to that volume (may be, along with /home)? Having 256M for all filesystems is not too much – I noticed it in n800 days. I simply cannot install all interesting stuff from Application Manager!
Overall – I think Nokia is moving in the right direction. My only concern is the pace of the move. While the change from 770 to n800 was a huge leap, the change from n800 to n810 is a small step. Lads, please do not slow down. You are making a very cool gadgets – and there is still a room for improvement, I strongly believe you can make great gadgets.
January 4, 2008
hardware, maemo
The discount codes seem to be working now. My N810 is on my way to me. Thanks a lot Nokia.
As another bit of my humble contribution (expressing the gratitude, you know;) – I’m putting some effort into making freeciv run on OS2008. There was initial version, made by Markku Vire for 770 – but apparently it does not run on OS2008 (yet). At least now it builds and starts – but more work is necessary. So we’ll see how it goes…