WebKitGTK+ Hackfest 2009

You might have heard the rumors, and it’s true: we’ll be holding a WebKitGTK+ hackfest right before Christmas, from the 15th to the 21st of December, 2009.

A group of core WebKitGTK+ hackers and contributors will meet at the Igalia offices in A Coruña, and we’ll hack for a week on things like GObject DOM bindings, libsoup, a harfbuzz backend, native theming through offscreen widgets, HTML5 video/audio support and many more things.

I’ve put up a wiki page with all the information we have so far, so keep an eye on it if you are interested. Also, we have two sponsors so far, Collabora and Igalia (thanks!), but we can always use a few more of them. If you feel like you could contribute to advance the state of the Web support in our platform, please drop me a line at my email address, xan gnome org, or contact the GNOME foundation directly.

Happy hacking!

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4 Responses to WebKitGTK+ Hackfest 2009

  1. tom says:

    Sounds great! Happy hacking indeed 🙂

  2. ReinoutS says:


    I wonder if a person who knows a lot about browsers and about Gnome but doesn’t code C, could contribute something? =)

  3. alex butenko says:

    guys, dont drink much 🙂 Rememer about the morning.

    And yeh, happy hacking.

  4. shlomil says:

    In my personal whishlist:

    EvaluateJavaScript function equivelent in WebKitGTK

    ( http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qwebframe.html#evaluateJavaScript )

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