It was a long time since I did not give cross compiling a try and it turns out to be easier than expected if you use precompiled binaries from windows:mingw[1] project on the OpenSUSE Build Service. (OBS)
First of all we need to install the cross compiler, in Debian and Debian based distros do
$ sudo apt-get install mingw-w64
Then we need to download a python script [2] that makes downloading mingw packages from OBS easy.
CC: the cross compiler
MINGW_ROOT: is an absolute path we are going to use as a prefix for our build
PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR: this way we tell pkg-config to use mingw libs
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: just to make sure we are not pointing some where else
PKG_CONFIG: ask pkg-config to replace .pc files prefix variable with the real path
And this is pretty much it, now we can proceed to run with –host and –target flags and glade should compile
git clone git://
cd glade
./ --prefix=$MINGW_ROOT --host i686-w64-mingw32 \
--target i686-w64-mingw32 --enable-shared=yes --enable-static=no
make install
Before you can run it you need to update glib schemas bin file
The important function here is gimp_cairo_wilber() which uses a path created from a SVG path description string. This allows them to grab that string and paste it inside a SVG file and edit it with Inkscape for example. Which could be annoying if you have to do it frequently or if it has to be done by an artist that does not feel comfortable messing around with source code.
This is the SVG path for wilber (WordPress does not allow me to include a svg image)
<svgwidth="225"height="165"><gtransform="translate(-287,-438)"><pathid="path2987"d="m 509.72445,438.68864 c -8.24739,31.09081 -44.77407,52.85702 -77.8653,59.0601 6.66245,5.26814 11.01867,13.47826 11.01867,22.62501 1e-5,15.87371 -12.92175,28.64855 -28.79547,28.64855 -15.87372,0 -28.79547,-12.77484 -28.79547,-28.64855 0,-8.84972 3.98978,-16.76089 10.2841,-22.03735 -36.20146,-2.43256 -51.86122,-34.37828 -51.86123,-34.37826 l -1.02841,45.69077 c 0,4.7013 -0.59743,10.31207 -2.49756,18.65829 -0.33714,-0.50356 -0.66979,-0.97205 -1.02841,-1.46916 -8.90026,-12.33694 -21.90268,-19.02373 -32.7622,-18.07063 -3.61983,0.3177 -6.923,1.56607 -9.84335,3.67289 -11.68135,8.42727 -11.57317,28.50691 0.29384,44.9562 10.11908,14.02637 25.47866,20.85962 37.02274,17.33604 58.07995,40.4437 198.30291,67.68661 175.85805,-136.0439 z M 363.24953,501.1278 c 10.58249,-2e-5 19.24596,8.66347 19.24596,19.24595 0,10.58249 -8.66348,19.09904 -19.24596,19.09904 -10.58247,0 -19.09903,-8.51655 -19.09903,-19.09904 -1e-5,-10.58246 8.51656,-19.24595 19.09903,-19.24595 z m -57.44402,14.9854 c 5.87915,-2e-5 10.57793,5.72665 10.57793,12.78166 10e-6,7.05496 -4.69877,12.78166 -10.57793,12.78166 -5.87915,0 -10.72484,-5.72665 -10.72484,-12.78166 -2e-5,-7.05501 4.84569,-12.78166 10.72484,-12.78166 z M 440.821,552.54828 c 0,0 7.9294,1.4756 13.0755,6.90504 3.52231,3.71619 3.85558,9.70174 3.08522,17.92371 -0.77029,-3.49373 -2.08601,-5.61044 -3.08522,-8.08037 -10.88262,13.17996 -40.46669,13.79263 -77.8653,0.58767 40.60128,8.1206 61.35686,0.67581 73.45783,-8.66803 -3.1952,-4.12713 -8.66803,-8.66802 -8.66803,-8.66802 z m -6.17377,-27.95144 c 0,7.6429 -6.20294,13.84584 -13.84584,13.84584 -7.6429,0 -13.84584,-6.20294 -13.84584,-13.84584 0,-7.6429 6.20294,-13.84584 13.84584,-13.84584 7.6429,0 13.84584,6.20294 13.84584,13.84584 z m -56.6468,-1.59753 c 0,4.70333 -3.81719,8.52053 -8.52052,8.52053 -4.70333,0 -8.52052,-3.8172 -8.52052,-8.52053 0,-4.70332 3.81719,-8.52052 8.52052,-8.52052 4.70333,0 8.52052,3.8172 8.52052,8.52052 z"/></g></svg
<svg width="225" height="165">
<g transform="translate(-287,-438)">
<path id="path2987" d="m 509.72445,438.68864 c -8.24739,31.09081 -44.77407,52.85702 -77.8653,59.0601 6.66245,5.26814 11.01867,13.47826 11.01867,22.62501 1e-5,15.87371 -12.92175,28.64855 -28.79547,28.64855 -15.87372,0 -28.79547,-12.77484 -28.79547,-28.64855 0,-8.84972 3.98978,-16.76089 10.2841,-22.03735 -36.20146,-2.43256 -51.86122,-34.37828 -51.86123,-34.37826 l -1.02841,45.69077 c 0,4.7013 -0.59743,10.31207 -2.49756,18.65829 -0.33714,-0.50356 -0.66979,-0.97205 -1.02841,-1.46916 -8.90026,-12.33694 -21.90268,-19.02373 -32.7622,-18.07063 -3.61983,0.3177 -6.923,1.56607 -9.84335,3.67289 -11.68135,8.42727 -11.57317,28.50691 0.29384,44.9562 10.11908,14.02637 25.47866,20.85962 37.02274,17.33604 58.07995,40.4437 198.30291,67.68661 175.85805,-136.0439 z M 363.24953,501.1278 c 10.58249,-2e-5 19.24596,8.66347 19.24596,19.24595 0,10.58249 -8.66348,19.09904 -19.24596,19.09904 -10.58247,0 -19.09903,-8.51655 -19.09903,-19.09904 -1e-5,-10.58246 8.51656,-19.24595 19.09903,-19.24595 z m -57.44402,14.9854 c 5.87915,-2e-5 10.57793,5.72665 10.57793,12.78166 10e-6,7.05496 -4.69877,12.78166 -10.57793,12.78166 -5.87915,0 -10.72484,-5.72665 -10.72484,-12.78166 -2e-5,-7.05501 4.84569,-12.78166 10.72484,-12.78166 z M 440.821,552.54828 c 0,0 7.9294,1.4756 13.0755,6.90504 3.52231,3.71619 3.85558,9.70174 3.08522,17.92371 -0.77029,-3.49373 -2.08601,-5.61044 -3.08522,-8.08037 -10.88262,13.17996 -40.46669,13.79263 -77.8653,0.58767 40.60128,8.1206 61.35686,0.67581 73.45783,-8.66803 -3.1952,-4.12713 -8.66803,-8.66802 -8.66803,-8.66802 z m -6.17377,-27.95144 c 0,7.6429 -6.20294,13.84584 -13.84584,13.84584 -7.6429,0 -13.84584,-6.20294 -13.84584,-13.84584 0,-7.6429 6.20294,-13.84584 13.84584,-13.84584 7.6429,0 13.84584,6.20294 13.84584,13.84584 z m -56.6468,-1.59753 c 0,4.70333 -3.81719,8.52053 -8.52052,8.52053 -4.70333,0 -8.52052,-3.8172 -8.52052,-8.52053 0,-4.70332 3.81719,-8.52052 8.52052,-8.52052 4.70333,0 8.52052,3.8172 8.52052,8.52052 z"/>
So after doing the same thing a few times for Glade
Glade while loading a big file
I decided to automate the process by creating a simple application that takes a SVG file and outputs C code for a cairo_path_t struct.
Generated header and source file: