Developer Experience Hackfest 2016

Sponsored by GNOME FoundationFirst of all I would like to thanks the GNOME Foundation for sponsoring once again my trip to Brussels for the GNOME Developer Experience Hackfest.
Besides hacking on Glade and attending FOSDEM I had a great time meeting with old friends and making new ones, not to mention the amount and variety of beers consumed!

beerBut beer was not the only thing we had!


Back on the hacking, together with Tristan we managed to fix several bugs and add the much needed support for id-less objects! This way Glade is one step closer to support every Gtk+ template file.
I will not go into much details since it was already covered by him in his blog post

Pretty workspace

Besides doing some CSS cleanups in the workspace and user survey window to improve theme compatibility I added the modernized original Glade logo to the workspace background as a tribute to Glade roots!
Glade workspace logo

I also got the chance to work on the Glade User Survey results, the final results will be posted soon on Glade’s website once I finish automating the results from the Data Base.

Glade User Survey Preliminary Results

3114 people took the time to fill the survey since 11-11-2013.
54 % of them use it for commercial purposes and 42 % for personal use.
Most users are from the US and Brazil with Germany, China and France as a close third.

USA 10.98 % Italy 3.44 %
Brazil 10.18 % Spain 3.37 %
Germany 6.29 % UK 3.11 %
China 5.59 % Canada 2.37 %
France 4.65 % Poland 2.21 %
Mexico 4.07 % Argentina 1.70 %
Russia 3.85 % Australia 1.47 %
India 3.76 % Turkey 1.44 %

How long have you been programming? (years)

< 1 5.17 % 11 – 20 15.83 %
1 – 2 30.72 % 21 – 30 6.26 %
3 – 5 18.49 % 31 – 40 2.95 %
6 – 10 18.33 % > 40 2.21 %

Not Programmer 16.66 %

Preferred programming languages do you prefer?

Python 50.32 % JavaScript 21.80 %
C 47.01 % C Sharp 15.25 %
CPP 38.59 % Vala 9.24 %
Java 24.85 % Perl 6.96 %
Other 25.49 %

When did you start using Glade? (years ago)

1 58.38 % 4 – 5 5.94 %
2 4.94 % 6 – 10 6.48 %
3 2.79 % > 11 2.98 %

Which version do you normally use?

What is available in my OS 82.72 % Master 1.47 %
Latest stable from sources 9.44 % Other 0.83 %
3.8 for Gtk+ 2 3.94 %

On what operating system?

Linux 58.83 % OSX 1.02 %
Windows 2.69 % BSD 0.96 %
Other 1.25 % Solaris 0.44 %

How often do you use it?

Every day 43.89 % Few days a week 10.82 %
A few times a year 20 % Every week 5.84 %
A few times a month 13.96 % Once a month 3.94 %

What level of Glade user would you say you are?

Beginner 78.29 %
Intermediate 16.44 %
Advanced 3.78 %

Under what kind of license(s) do you release the software you used Glade to create?

Free Software 42.19 % None 25.72 %
Open Source 34.32 % Commercial 9.5 %

In which field(s) is the software you used Glade to create generally used?

Desktop applications 42.77 % Industrial applications 8.95 %
Academic 18.68 % Embedded applications 7.35 %
Educational 13.48 % Accounting 4.56 %
Scientific 12.13 % Medical 2.92 %

In your opinion what is the biggest problem with Glade?

Lack of documentation 66.89 %
Other 11.23 %
Lack of publicity/exposure 9.79 %
Lack of official binary releases for other OS (Win32, OSX) 5.78 %
Lack of professional training 2.63 %
Lack of professional support 1.5 %

18 % of users found a bug, 6.9 % reported it and 21.96 % contributed to the project.