New Glade edit modes!

I am happy to announce two new Glade features that should make UI designers life a little bit easier. As you probably know Gtk+ 3 introduced new widget properties to control margins and its alignments which where only accessible in Glade  through the common tab in the property editor… until now!. Margins and Alignment edit modes join good old Selection and Drag modes to let you edit margins and alignment properties using nothing but the mouse. After all having offscreen project widgets not only lets us draw pretty selections but also do something useful as well.

You can currently find this code in git master soon to be released as Glade 3.11

UPDATE: Glade 3.11 is on the wild! For more information see the release notes.

git clone git://

[vimeo width=”640″ height=”352″][/vimeo]

Margins edit mode:

Using this mode is as easy as clicking on the border of a selected widget to enable it and then use the mouse to simply modify the desired margin. Also to make it easier to set the same value in both margins you can hold down shift and holding down control makes it snap to 6 pixels 😉

Alignments edit mode:

This mode can be enabled by selecting it from the toolbar or pressing Shift+left click on the selected widget border. Clicking over the pushpins will make it toggle so for example if you want to have a widget left aligned all you have to do is unpush the right pushpin, to make the widget vertically centered both top and bottom pushpin have to be unpush.

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