GUADEC 2016 — Day 2

A dinner tradition in our house is to share three great things from our day.  Being at GUADEC is making it hard to remember to do this, so I thought I would list them here.

Jonathan’s talk

Jonathan presenting on asynchronous internet
Jonathan attempting to come up with a name for spotty/asynchronous/fluctuating internet

Not surprisingly, the kids loved Jonathan’s talk the most. It was a fascinating look into asynchronous internet and how much of the world do not live in areas with the infrastructure necessary to have a constant and fast internet connection.

Annual General Meeting

Board of Directors: Jim Hall (missing), Shaun McCance, Allan Day, Alexandre Franke, Cosimo Cecchi, Nuritzi Sanchez, and Meg Ford
The new GNOME Foundation Board of Directors

The Board met for lunch to make sure we were all on the same page with regards to how the AGM would go. The kässespaetzle was just a bonus.

I love the AGM. It’s always great to see the presentations showing off how much has been done in the past year. The official presentation of the new Board of Directors and their offices lets the general membership the ability to match faces to the names they see and humanizes them.

At the end of the question and answer section, the Board proudly presented the annual Thank You Pants to Alex Larsson. (For those following along, purchasing these pants was my super secret mission from Day 1.) Although only the Board knew who the recipient was ahead of time, it was obvious through the prolonged standing ovation that the general membership approved of the choice.

Women’s Dinner

The annual GNOME Women’s Dinner took place tonight and was planned by Marina and Moira Schuler.  Much thanks to both of them! There were twelve women plus one youngster at dinner and we enjoyed wonderful food and conversation. It is always such an encouraging and supportive atmosphere. My daughter basked in it and came out of the evening convinced she can give a lightning talk herself. As her mom, I find this terrifying and yet am so proud of her for wanting to put herself out there. Maybe my referring to her as part of the far future yesterday was a bit premature!


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