I participated the GNOME.Asia 2012 in HongKong last week, so now I should take advantage of the memory still fresh to make a summary. It’s a very exited experience in GNOME Asia 2012 in HongKong.
My two topics got approved in this conference, and I really learned a lot from preparation.
1) Local GNOME Users Group experience — Beijing and Taiwan (Bin Li, China and ChunHung Huang, Taiwan) (English), pdf file.
2) Open Build Service (Bin Li, China) (English), pdf file.
At this conference I met a lot of developer in Asia. The topic which I like most is from
Fred Chien (Taiwan) talked about some cool work with JaveScript in GNOME.
And also I met some foreigner, Aleksander,and JF, which I met them in Desktop Summit 2011.
Aleksander Morgado which is from Spain introduce ModemManager now supporting 4G/LTE.
JF which from Canada share the PiTiVi to us.
You can find a lot of topics from our Beijing GNOME User Group.
Weiwu Zhang,Tong Hui, FanJun Kong, Ms Liansu Yu, Ms Eleanor Chen
We have a video clip to show BJGUG in Gnome Asia 2012.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5cOd8KGX4c&w=560&h=315]
You can find the detail from http://2012.gnome.asia/schedule/
A little pity is that there are not so many people here, I hope next year more and more people could know and enjoy GNOME.Asia if it’s in Beijing.
At last I’ll share some pictures from GNOME Asia and thanks for the sponsorship from GNOME foundation and SUSE.
You can find more pictures in http://www.flickr.com/groups/1958066@N20/ .
[Introduce Beijing GNOME User Group]
[Max with BJGUG]