Sorry for blogging lately, better late than never. 🙂
Thessaloniki is very peaceful place, every morning I liked to walk along the seaside to the venue. As usual, it was a great and enjoyable GUADEC, thanks to everyone who helped to make it.
In core days I attended a lot of great talks in this year, I learned a lot of latest status of GNOME, and here are my favorite talks, “Managing GNOME Sessions with Systemd“, “State of the Shell“, “Packing up Boxes“, “Modernizing Desktop Linux Development with Containers“, “Is the Linux Desktop Really Dead?“.
I also enjoy watching Lighting talks every year. In this year Britt Yazel’s lighting talks, I knew the GUADEC App was based on Connfa, and it’s also an open source project. This App is very convenient, I could check schedule at any time.
And after the core days, I took part in “Rust BoF” by SebastianDröge , it’s a great BoF to learn the Rust and GStreamer step by step. And of course the Beach BoF, not to be missed, the amazing beach is unforgettable.
GNOME Bingo is a very good ice-break game, it gave me a lot of fun. From it I knew about the current GNOME staffs, GNOME ‘s Old Farts Club, Daiki Ueno could speak 4 languages counting c++, and so on.
I hope that we could also have GNOME.Asia App and GNOME.Asia Bingo in GNOME.Asia Summit. 🙂

As usual I would like to thanks the GNOME Foundation for sponsoring my trip to Greece and making all this possible, it gave a good chance to meet old and new friends. And also thanks Canonical for conference leave.