Backed from the fantastic GUADEC, now it’s summary time.
When I flight to Malaga from Paris, an old guy with Ubuntu bag sit beside me, after a while I knew he’s Michael Hill, which I couldn’t find his photo for local news in BJGUG. It’s the GUADEC magic!!
In core days I attended a lot of great talks in this year, I particularly enjoyed Benjamin Otte’s talk on “GTK4 Lightning talks”, Jonas Ådahl and Carlos Garnacho’s talk on “The infamous GNOME Shell performance”, Philip Withnall’s talk on “GLib: What’s new and what’s next?”.
And after the core days, I took part in two workshops, “GitLab Workshop” by Ralf and “Flatpak Workshop” by Alexander Larsson. It’s a good chance to know the inside of flatpak, and learned how to use Gitlab CI in details.
After that I attended the Video BoF, helped the video editing, and at that day I found the flowblade was removed in Debian 9 cause of dependency, and it crashed with source code, so I tried flatpak package, found it just show white blank image when I import images. I couldn’t find the fix (issue 508) at that time. So I forward to openshot, it could work at least, although it was very dis-fluency when review the video.
And of course I met a lot old friends and new friends. And I also met workmate from Ubuntu Desktop Team, discussed with Sebastien about the gdm login issue, after that I report a mutter issue with Daniel suggestion, and in the second day Jonas Ådahl found me in lunch time and gave me a patch for testing. It’s really amazing community!! Thanks Jonas!
There are too much good memories from this year, such as Flamenco, Castle show, Tapas, Sangria, beautiful beach and Beach BoF.

As usual I would like to thanks the GNOME Foundation for sponsoring my trip to Spain and making all this possible. And also thanks Canonical for conference leave.
And also thanks for this year organizer Ismael, he provided my invitation letter quickly and helped to push the hotel about the confirmation, so that I could get visa in time.

Hope to see you all at GNOME.Asia 2018 in Taipei!