The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to announce our newly approved Foundation Members.
They are: *
- Stéphane Maniaci (two Google Summer of Code within GNOME, little contributions to the GNOME-Shell’s and PiTiVi’s modules)
- Maciej Piechotka (libgee’s library maintainer, several bug reports and bug triaging work)
- Antoine Jacoutot (Porting and packaging GNOME for the OpenBSD distribution)
- Michael Hill (GNOME Documentation, organized the Toronto GNOME 3.2’s Release party)
- Jim Campbell (GNOME Documentation Team)
- David Nielsen (Banshee, 2011 GNOME+Mono Hackfest)
- Karen Sandler (Legal work and advices for the GNOME Foundation through the SFLC, GNOME’s Executive Director)
- Nilamdyuti Goswami (Assamese’s language translations for GNOME 3.0 and 3.2)
- Zhang Weiwu (Core member of the Beijing GNOME Users Group, GNOME Advocate and Ambassador)
- Patricia Santana Cruz (Cheese, Desktop Summit 2011, Bug reporting and triaging)
- Tong Hui (Beijing GNOME Users Group, GNOME-related talks and event organizator in Beijing)
* Syntax is Name Surname (area of involvement)
Please welcome and thank them for their great and valuable contributions over the GNOME Foundation.