guitar software

Dear all,

I’m looking for a nice piece of software that will assist me in my recently revitalized guitar playing activities. What I would like is really just a tool for my convenience in playing along with songs that I like. Therefore I’m looking for the following features:

  1. Load an MP3
  2. Load/edit corresponding tablature
  3. Be able to slow down the song (without changing the pitch of course)
  4. Be able to silence/muffle the guitar part of the song
  5. Have a nice interface, not something that looks like Win 3.11

As you can see. It’s really not that much. In addition, the following I would consider a bonus:

  1. Figure out/specify tablature timing with regard to the song and show where in the tab the song is while playing
  2. Integration with GNOME where possible
  3. Searching for tablature
  4. Automatic tablature extraction from a song

Anyone knows about some open source project that has at least the 5 features listed at the top?

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9 Responses to guitar software

  1. Stu says:

    Guitar Practice has all the 5 features for free. Audacity will do 4 out of 5, with a bit of a fiddle.

    Nonfree stuff like Jam Vox might help refine your features list.

  2. Mike Sheldon says:

    This isn’t exactly what you’re looking for since it doesn’t really help you with transcription, but for songs that are already tabbed Tux Guitar is pretty good:

    It supports the Guitar Pro format, so all the tabs on sites like work nicely, with multi-part MIDI playback, custom tempo settings, etc.

  3. Mark Smith says:

    Try Rakarrack. Rakarrack is a richly featured multi-effects processor emulating a guitar effects pedalboard.

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  5. Vamp898 says:

    Im using

    JACK + Rakarrack + Ardour + Audacity

    and its incredible awesome

  6. prokoudine says:

    Don’t you just love it when you ask for tabulature software and they advice you virtual effects processor instead, albeit a good one? :)

    TuxGuitar is the way to go. Or you could buy a native Linux port of commercial GuitarPro for a reasonable price. It’s Qt4, but does it matter if you want features?

  7. Yee Keat says:

    Have been using this for a while, it supports Linux! No tabs though:

  8. crep4ever says:

    Well, this clearly is not what you’re expecting but if you’re looking for a way to summarize the songs you know into a printable songbook, you may have a look at even though most of the site is in french, pdf are available, there’s a qt client for edition and I would gladly help if you need further information. Sorry it’s a little out of topic though.

    By the way, good luck with guitar practice ;)

  9. Heiner says:

    In this case, SeventhString as Yee Keat says will be the best option plus Guitar Pro 6.

    I don’t use TuxGuitar, first it’s user interface is ugly and also it’s status appears like hiatus, I haven’t heard of any update from the developers.

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