Help cleaning GNOME Bugzilla

Do you want to help cleaning GNOME Bugzilla?

Are you afraid because you are a newbie? Or you don’t know where to start?

In a recent Bugsquad meeting [1], a new initiative was propossed: the BugsquadGoals [2] .

This is the objective: Setting small concrete goals to clean some kind of bugs from the database.

For example: Search for bugs about a crash without the correct value in severity field (critical). Also, set the keyword STACKTRACE if the bug has a decent Stacktrace with line numbers and symbols.

You have more info and the bugzilla queries in the BugsquadGoals page [2]. Also, any suggestion for other queries are always welcomed.

If you have any problem or you want to request some Bugzilla permissions, we are in irc channel on

See you there!



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