So I’ve found myself hacking on agave a bit more lately, and I thought I’d experiment a little bit with some different UI ideas. Any thoughts and comments are welcome, of course.

Keep in mind that this is just at an experimental stage at the moment, so I may just throw it away if I decide that it doesn’t work well. I do think it gives a better sense of how the colors are related, though.
In any case, it’s been fun playing around a little bit with cairomm for once. In the end though, I’d probably want to implement this using some sort of canvas library, but I haven’t done enough research on the options that are currently available.
In theory, I’ll be a father in a week and a half. It’s a little bit crazy to think about. It’s definitely feeling a lot more imminent lately. Joanne is very pregnant and ready to be small again, but doing really well. We’ve pretty much decided on a name, and have sort of entered a state of waiting.
Since it may be a while before we get to a nice restaurant, we went out for a meal at Vincent in downtown Minneapolis for Valentines day. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed food as much in my life. It was absolutely phenomenal. I didn’t even regret the small fortune we paid for the meal.
I just pushed out a new minor release of Agave and I’ve also recently added support for enabling and disabling breakpoints in Nemiver.
Hacking on GNOME, but with a healthy dose of C++