We celebrated r’s 2nd birthday a bit over a week ago. She’s now old enough to understand the concept of a birthday, and it’s been really fun to watch her get excited about it.

She’s also getting to the age where it’s a bit easier to find somebody to watch her while we go out for an evening. In the past couple weeks we were able to go see a theatre show and our first music concert in quite a while (a cd release show for one of my favorite local bands).
It feels like spring has finally arrived and Minneapolis is awaking from a long hibernation. This is definitely the best time of the year. It’s as if everybody’s just been huddled inside waiting for spring and then there’s just the sudden burst of activity. Everybody’s outside without coats (even though it’s still only in the 40s or 50s F), you see neighbors you’ve hardly seen for months. Of course, now that I say that, we’ll probably get hit with another big snowstorm…

I found a bit of time to hack on the nemiver debugger again lately. Since 0.6.5 I think I’ve closed about 10 bugs, getting the bug count below the century mark once again, which feels nice. I’m hoping I’ll have time to work on new features again in addition to just bugfixes, since there are still a few features missing that I think are really necessary for more widespread adoption.
Interesting to see Agave featured prominently in the screenshots for ubuntu studio. (That site might be down, it doesn’t seem to be withstanding the traffic very well).
Things with nemiver are coming along at a decent pace and we’ll probably be doing another release in the near future. The next release should bring quite a few nice new features and a lot of bugfixes, most of which Dodji has already mentioned.
I recently bought a new Digital SLR camera, the Nikon D40. I wasn’t necessarily looking for the best camera I could find, just something reasonably priced that took decent pictures. The D40 is relatively small so I don’t feel like I’m lugging a huge camera around (which is important or I probably wouldn’t end up using it as much), it’s cheap (it comes with a reasonable lens kit for around 600 US, which isn’t much more than I paid for my old point-and-shoot digital back in the day), and it takes vastly better pictures than my old camera. I’m really loving the fact that I can actually get decent pictures even if the lighting and environment is less than ideal. I’d highly recommend it if you’re looking for a decent entry-level DSLR. I still clearly have a lot to learn about photography (this camera just lets me take better-looking crappy photos). But I’m slowly learning, and I’m getting lots of practice, like any new parent.
Ahhh, spring in Minnesota. It has reached 50F (10C), most of the snow has now melted, and the neighbors are out doing yardwork and sunbathing with their shirts off.
Hacking on GNOME, but with a healthy dose of C++