With Minnesota winter threatening to come on at full force at any time now, J made me a skull and crossbones hat.
Originally uploaded by jonner
A week ago or so, I started working on a C++ binding for clutter. It’s still in the early stages but I’ve gotten to the point where I can run some simple examples. So, not very interesting yet, but it’s coming along. If you want to take a look (I don’t know why you would, frankly), it’s in the gnomemm respository.
Bug Hunting
When you’ve been chasing a multi-threaded software / hardware interaction bug for three straight weeks (the sort of bug which is triggered perhaps only once every 3 days, which you’ve instrumented with asserts and port pin toggling so you can see what’s going on with an oscilloscope since your JTAG debugging tools are rather poor, and which you’ve eventually gotten to be reproducible within 30 seconds by rigging up a FET and signal generator to create the proper noise conditions) and you’ve finally convinced yourself that you understand exactly why the problem is happening (your theory explains all of the weird behaviors you’ve seen over the last three weeks, after all), and you implement a solution and it seems to solve the observed issue only to uncover another even less explainable issue… well, let’s just say you’d probably be ready for the weekend too.