Geary 0.4 is here!

Geary 0.4 screenshot

Yorba is proud to announce the release of Geary 0.4, the newest version of our lightweight email client. This release includes many enhancements:

  • Per-account full text search
  • Automatic save to draft
  • Refreshed user interface
  • Per-folder unread email count
  • Experimental support for
  • Enhanced “show external images” preference
  • Find bar for locating text within a conversation (Ctrl+F)
  • Improved handling of attachments
  • Malicious link checker
  • Passwords stored with libsecret instead of GNOME Keyring
  • Hundreds of bugs fixed and small improvements

The Geary 0.4 tarball is available for download. See Yorba’s wiki for information on building, running, and contributing to Geary. Report bugs and feature requests at Yorba’s Redmine server. (You must create an account before adding or modifying tickets there.)

Ubuntu users can also find a version for Raring Ringtail (13.04) and Quantal Quetzal (12.10) on Yorba’s PPA. Adventurous users may also wish to subscribe to Yorba’s Daily PPA.

24 thoughts on “Geary 0.4 is here!”

  1. I am using your fantastic elementary OS. When can I find the updates for geary and shotwell available? I’m sorely missing the ‘saving to drafts’ feature in geary. Adding the daily build PPA seems of no avail.

    1. While we’d like to take credit for Elementary, it’s not our OS. You’ll have to contact them about a getting a package.

      Keep in mind that the newest Elementary is based on Ubuntu Precise (12.04). Building Geary on a version that old is possible but tricky; see the comment above for details.

  2. Is there any possibility that Yorba will set up a Debian repo? Even if it only is for sid and jessie, that would be pretty cool.

  3. Is the “can’t post to LKML” bug fixed now? Mails composed by 0.3 were rejected by as follows:

    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
    server for the recipient domain by

    The error that the other server returned was:
    550 5.7.1 Content-Policy reject msg: Wrong MIME labeling on 8-bit
    character texts. BF:; S1752545Ab3GGQV6

    1. I don’t think this error was ever reported to us (at least, I don’t recall seeing it). I would have to see the full email source and the error code to debug. It’s possible this problem is fixed — we did a lot of work for 0.4 about better document handling — but I can’t guarantee it.

  4. This is great news! With search functionality now implemented, Geary has great potential to become the client of choice among Linux users. Congratualations to the developers!

  5. I am really new to use this email client. Great work! One question is if we can control it only by shortcuts without mouse, such as vim like moving/navigation? Cheers.

  6. How long does it take you to get the 0.5 with all the features that you have in redmine.

    The program with all these Characteristics, best mail manager that would exist in linux.


  7. This might seem a silly question but can you view a message full screen (screen width)? On some emails you have to scroll right / left to read it which me me anyways is annoying. You can use zoom key to reduce the width to fit but then text is too small. 🙂

      1. G’day Jim. Sorry I haven’t replied sooner.. Thank you for considering my suggestion :). I just think the full screen option for viewing message expecially for the visually impared (like my wife) would benefit. Give up the good because it’s a great email client.

  8. Regarding 12.04 issue I would normally agree with Eric’s answer but we’re talking about LTS release here.
    What would be the purpose of LTS if everybody give up on building new or upgraded packages for it?

    1. According to Ubuntu, LTS’ are designed to target “server and multiple desktop installations”, not home or end-users. They also are not “A Feature-Based Release: We will focus on hardening functionality of existing features, versus introducing new ones”.

      In other words, the purpose of an LTS is to provide a stable, long-term experience where software updates focus on security and stability, not cutting-edge new features.

  9. This is great news, but I have to admit, no 12.04 support is the ultimate disappointment. As others have denoted, 12.04 is an LTS release. Again, LTS release. A lot of users stick with LTS because that’s what makes sense for their scenario. Family members of mine that use Ubuntu are best at home on an LTS release due to the far-less-frequent upgrade process that provides them with what they truly need; a no fuss solution that they can set-and-forget until the next LTS comes around. I understand that LTS is not meant to have cutting edge features, but something like a mail client should *really* have a PPA available for it.

    1. Just to be clear, Yorba does have a PPA:

      Our decision to drop 12.04 support for Geary 0.4 was not arbitrary. 12.04 has a number of old libraries that, for us to support, meant additional work and a drain on the limited resources Yorba has available. In particular, we had to work around a number of difficult WebKit bugs with some fragile code that easily broke. By requiring libraries that were released after 12.04, we could drop that hacky code and focus on improving Geary’s features rather than working around old, fixed bugs.

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