New cycle

Lot of time without write a single post… too bad…

The thing is I was thinking about my live these last months… And after awhile I decided to make a big change: leave my job and move back to Canaries

After 6 years living in Seville and working at Emergya I found there was the end of a cycle so I have to move forward and start new things.

These 6 years have been great. I’ve learnt a lot and met great people. I truly wish the best for my (now) former company and the people there. They deserve it. They will be always my family 🙂

Now I like to have a bit of personal time to learn new things, to have back my technical skills (mostly programming) and try new projects. I have some ideas in my mind that I hope to share (as code) soon and I also hope some of them to be useful for GNOME developers, testers and translators. Will see…

Happy haking from my new life at Canarias! 🙂

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This work by Juanje Ojeda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 España.