Desktop Summit Code of Conduct?

In light of OSCON adopting a code of conduct and anti-harassment policy, I was wondering, and even asked today, if the Desktop Summit has adopted an anti-harassment policy. Unfortunately I’m not going to make it to the Desktop Summit this year, but I searched a bit and all I could find was Dave Neary promising that Desktop Summit would adopt one [1, 2].

Can anyone tell me if the Desktop Summit has adopted a code of conduct? and if so, where I can find it? or if not, why the heck not?

Update: I have been contacted by an organiser to say that a draft attendees code of conduct has been written and will be published before the conference. Thanks for getting in touch so promptly 🙂

Update 2: the policy has now been published.


My Thinkpad X200s is playing up, in that it will no longer suspend and sometimes the wireless stops working until I reboot. The suspend issue looks like an issue with the Thinkpad TPM, but that’s meant to be resolved, and I could have sworn it was previously working while I was still running this kernel.

I checked the workaround was enabled (it is). Blacklisting the modules or disabling the Security Chip in the BIOS causes it to sleep, but not wake up. Someone suggested upgrading the BIOS firmware, but I’ve always been wary of doing this, I’ve bricked machines before.

Anyway so that I can put some computation that suspends in my bag, I installed Fedora 15 on the Dell Inspiron Mini 1012 I have. The machine itself is a little slow, but GNOME Shell runs pretty well. The trackpad drivers have improved too. Less weird jumping around and two finger scrolling.

Managed to crash the Fedora installer twice, it crashes when it tries to delete extended DOS partitions (automatically or manually). Had to delete my old Meego-created partition tables by hand for it to work.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Australia
This work by Danielle Madeley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Australia.