So if you upgraded to Fedora 17 the other day you have probably been hit by #662528, which means gnome-keyring’s SSH agent isn’t exported into the environment, which means no SSH agent, and sadness.
Until the fix is out of updates-pending, you can work around this by adding:
export $(gnome-keyring-daemon -s)
To your .bashrc or similar.
Note that this is fixed upstream in gnome-settings-daemon 3.4.2 (here’s [1] a build for F17, not sure why it’s stuck in updates-pending).
What do you mean? A couple of weeks back I even clicked the checkbox in the new Shell “enter passphrase” dialog and my SSH key gets automatically unlocked on login.
Uh…are you sure? The upstream report is closed as FIXED with the implication that it’s in 3.4.0, and we certainly have 3.4.0 in F17. I have not noticed such a bug at all on my desktop, ssh key handling works fine…
Hmm… I now got a downstream bug report: