let us not mourn telepathy-python

But let us instead celebrate gobject-introspection.

While there has been no official announcement, I think it’s probably time we declared telepathy-python to have passed away. Deprecated. In the great attic of the sky.

The python-telepathy client-side bindings have been in a state of disrepair for a long time now, not able to do the heavy lifting that other bindings such as tp-glib and tp-qt4 have been focusing on.

telepathy-butterfly is not really maintained, isn’t supported properly by empathy master, and is looking to be replaced in the future by the MSN Live XMPP support. In the meantime bug #663829 migrates existing butterfly accounts to telepathy-haze. I’m not sure about telepathy-sunshine, but I suspect it also won’t work with the latest Empathy.

Through work I started, and a bunch of other people have continued, telepathy-glib client-side bindings have been growing increasingly more introspectable as time passes. This is now used by gnome-shell, and it works pretty well.

Since someone asked today, here’s how you set your global presence in Python:

from gi.repository import TelepathyGLib as Tp
from gi.repository import GObject

loop = GObject.MainLoop()
am = Tp.AccountManager.dup()
am.prepare_async(None, lambda *args: loop.quit(), None)

    'available', 'Set by script')

Unfortunately we can’t introspect the service-side bindings, they do some things that are very creative and clever, but that gobject-introspection just doesn’t understand. Which means you can’t write a CM using PyGObject yet. The solution, I think, is likely to come with a future, GVariant-based telepathy-glib, but I’m still trying to figure out how we can make things (like mixins) work in a way that g-i can understand.

Author: Danielle

Danielle is an Australian software engineer, computer scientist and feminist. She doesn't really work on GNOME any more (sadly). Opinions and writing are solely her own and so not represent her employer, the GNOME Foundation, or anyone else but herself.

3 thoughts on “let us not mourn telepathy-python”

  1. telepathy-sunshine is probably not maintained anymore. I use Debian Squeeze, and I must say, that I was forced to use telepathy-haze (Pidgin plugin) to use GG protocol correctly. Because on previous mentioned plugin connection from time to time was lost.

  2. telepathy-sunshine is not supported because of deprecated telepathy-python bindings and lack of my time to work on C-based CM. I’ve tried to rewrite sunshine to C but it’s like hell for me. A lot of genmarshal shits and strange hacks etc., and any how-to how to start. Boilerplate is much appreciated here I think (Pidgin have for example null-plugin here and easy info how to write your very own plugin). Writting any plugin for Pidgin is still a lot easier than for Telepathy AFAIK and I think that most of people agree with me.

    That’s why theres just CM’s officialy supported by Collabora. I don’t have much time to work on sunshine and telepathy-python is dead so what I could do? I don’t want to spend 6 months to rewrite CM 🙂

    I wanted to write it using Qt and C++ (which is really fun!) but sadly telepathy-qt4 is not supporting writting CM’s using it and (AFAIK) won’t be.

    I hope that someday geat times will come and there will be libraries for other languages too 🙂

  3. Yeah, it’s hard if you don’t understand GObject. I don’t think there are too many “strange hacks” though.

    The best examples for writing a CM are probably the tests in tp-glib, which show off instantiating each kind of object. Besides that, probably the CMs themselves.

    I imagine writing a Pidgin plugin will be easier than writing a Telepathy CM. One of the costs of modularisation is everything gets a lot more complex, has to be marshalled, etc. Also, because of the flexibility of Telepathy, there’s a lot more things that need to be done, you’re not just providing method calls for a UI.

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