Running Django on Docker: a workflow and code

It has been an extremely long time between beers (10 months!). I’ve gotten out of the habit of blogging and somehow I never blogged about the talk I co-presented at PyCon AU this year on Pallet and Forklift the standard and tool we’ve developed at Infoxchange to help make it easier to develop web-applications on Docker ((There’s also Straddle Carrier, a set of Puppet manifests for loading Docker containers on real infrastructure, but they’ve not been released yet as they rely too much on our custom Puppet config.)).

Infoxchange is one of the few places I’m aware of that runs Docker in prod. If you’re looking at using Docker to do web development, it’s worth checking out what we’ve been doing over on the Infoxchange devops blog.

lazy-loading class-based-views in Django

So one of the nice things with method-based views in Django is the ability to do this sort of thing to load a view at the path frontend.views.home:

urlpatterns = patterns(

    url(r'^$', 'home', name='home'),

Unfortunately, if you’re using class-based-views, you can’t do this:

urlpatterns = patterns(

    url(r'^$', 'HomeView', name='home'),

And instead you had to resort to importing the view and calling HomeView.as_view(). Sort of annoying when you didn’t want to import all of those views.

It turns out however that overloading the code to resolve HomeView is not that difficult, and we can do it with a pretty straightforward monkeypatch. This version uses the kwargs argument of url() to pass keyword arguments to as_view().

from django.conf import urls
from django.views.generic import View

class ClassBasedViewURLPattern(urls.RegexURLPattern):
    A version of RegexURLPattern able to handle class-based-views

    Monkey-patch it in to support class-based-views

    def callback(self):
        Hook locating the view to handle class based views

        view = super(ClassBasedViewURLPattern, self).callback

        if isinstance(view, type) and issubclass(view, View):
            view = view.as_view(**self.default_args)
            self.default_args = {}

        return view

urls.RegexURLPattern = ClassBasedViewURLPattern

Django utility methods (including New Relic deployment notification)

So we’ve moved to Github here at Infoxchange as our primary development platform because pull requests and Travis CI are much nicer than yelling across the room at each other ((big shout out to both Github and Travis CI for supporting our not-for-profit mission with gratis private accounts)). To enable Travis to build our code, we’ve needed to move our little utility libraries to Github too. Since some of these were already on pip, it made sense to open source the rest of them too.

The most useful is a package called IXDjango which includes a number of generally useful management commands for Django developers. Especially useful are deploy which will run a sequence of other commands for deployment, and newrelic_notify_deploy which you can use to notify New Relic of your deployment, which annotates all of your graphs with the version number.

We hope these are useful to people.

Writing your first web app using Python and Flask

I presented a tutorial at a couple of weeks ago on what there was for Python developers between CGI scripts and Django. That developers needn’t still be writing CGI scripts in 2014 (it happens) and there were frameworks that met your needs.

This tutorial introduces the microframework Flask, and shows of a whole bunch of things you can do with it, up to being a fully-fledged replacement for Django if you’re so inclined.

Examples source

In other news, I am now a maintainer of Lettuce, a BDD framework for Python/Django. So expect a few more Lettuce related blog posts (if I stop ignoring my blog).

More than a side salad: behaviour driven testing and test driven design in Django with Lettuce

Been quiet lately because I am super busy getting a project out of the door. However I did find time to give this talk last night on behaviour driven testing with Lettuce at MelbDjango.

Apologies for the glitches in the PDF. reveal.js is amazing for doing presentations but I didn’t have time to fix the glitches in the PDF output. The presentation is also able to be cloned from Git (view index.html), but you require the fonts (they’re all libre but I was too lazy to use webfonts).

Hopefully, when I get a breather, I can write about some other code I’ve written, or am writing. Or maybe catch up on the rest of my life/projects.

Testing sites with beforeunload and Lettuce/Cucumber

I recently added a beforeunload event handler to a site I’m working on, which instantly caused a regression of the entire Lettuce test suite before they got stuck on a “Leave this page?” dialog. We reuse the same Selenium browser session between tests in order to make our tests run in something approximating less than a decade.

Unfortunately Ghostdriver can’t see alerts and dialogs, which makes simply dismissing the dialog in Selenium kind of hard, but an easier way is at the end of the scenario to simply disable the event, and let it be reinstated with the next page load.

Add this hook to your Lettuce steps:

def disable_beforeunload(scenario):
    Disable before unload after a scenario so that the next scenario can
    reload the site.

try {
} catch (e) {

Extending geoalchemy through monkeypatching

I’ve been working on the data collection part of my cycle route modelling. I’m hoping that I can, as a first output, put together a map of where people are cycling in Melbourne. A crowd-sourced view of the best places to cycle, if you will. Given I will probably be running this in the cloud ((your recommendations for cloud-based services please, must be able to run Flask and PostGIS and be super cheap)), I thought it was best to actually store the data in a GIS database, rather than lots and lots of flat files.

A quick Google turned up GeoAlchemy, which are GIS extensions for SQLAlchemy. Provides lots of the standard things you want to do as methods on fields, but this is only a limited set of what you can do with PostGIS. Since I’m going to be wanting to do things like binning data, I thought it was worth figuring out how hard it was to call other PostGIS methods.

GeoAlchemy supports subclassing to create new dialects, but you have to subclass 3 classes, and it’s basically a pain in the neck when you just want to extend the functionality of the PostGIS dialect. Probably what I should do is submit a pull request with the rest of the PostGIS API as extensions, but I’m lazy. Henceforth, for the second time this week I am employing monkey patching to get the job done (and for the second time this week, kittens cry).

Functions in GeoAlchemy require two things, a method stub saying how we collect the arguments and the return (look at geoalchemy.postgis.pg_functions) and a mapping from this to the SQL function. Since we only care about one dialect, we can make this easier on ourselves by combining these two things. Firstly we monkeypatch in the method stubs:

from geoalchemy.functions import BaseFunction
from geoalchemy.postgis import pg_functions

class more_pg_functions:
    Additional functions to support for PostGIS

    class length_spheroid(BaseFunction):
        _method = 'ST_Length_Spheroid'

Note the _method attribute which isn’t something used anywhere else. We can then patch in support for this:

from geoalchemy.dialect import SpatialDialect

def get_function(self, function_cls):
    Add support for the _method attribute

        return function_cls._method
    except AttributeError:
        return self.__super__get_function(function_cls)

The monkeypatching functions look like this:

def monkeypatch(*args):
    Decorator to monkeypatch a function into class as a method

    def inner(func):
        name = func.__name__

        for cls in args:
            old = getattr(cls, name)
            setattr(cls, '__super__{}'.format(name), old)

            setattr(cls, name, func)

    return inner

def monkeypatchclass(cls):
    Decorator to monkeypatch a class as a baseclass of @cls

    def inner(basecls):
        cls.__bases__ += (basecls,)

        return basecls

    return inner

Finally we can do queries like this:

>>> track = session.query(Track).get(1)
>>> session.scalar(track.points.length_spheroid('SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]'))

Code on GitHub.

generic lettuce steps for Django models

After I left the Bureau approximately a month ago I’ve taken up a new role with Infoxchange Australia. My first project here is working on a rewrite of an application using Django.

People here are really into behaviour driven testing, and we’re using Lettuce to do it (using a branch with better Django integration).

I sort of dislike this sort of testing, because it creates an annoying abstraction layer on top of the code, with a poorly defined, quasi-real language. It’s like a bad knock off of Applescript. Anyway, I got sick of defining steps per model, so I put together some generic steps for manipulating Django models (that I’ll have to contribute back).

Anyway they look like this (examples of the step in the docstrings):

# build a hash of model verbose names to models
# this is used by get_model()
def _models_generator():
    for model in get_models():
        yield (model._meta.verbose_name, model)
        yield (model._meta.verbose_name_plural, model)

MODELS = dict(_models_generator())

def get_model(model):
    Convert a model's verbose name to the model class. This allows us to
    use the models verbose name in steps.

    name = model.lower()
    model = MODELS.get(model, None)

    assert model, "Could not locate model by name '%s'" % name

    return model

def create_models(model, hashes):
    for hash_ in hashes:

def models_exist(model, hashes):
    for hash_ in hashes:
        assert \
            model.objects.filter(**hash_).exists(), \
            "Object does not exist"

@step(r'I have ([a-z][a-z0-9_ ]*) in the database:')
def create_models_generic(step, model):
    And I have admin field values in the database:
    | name         | value   |
    | project_type | Twine   |

    The generic method can be overridden for a specific model by defining a
    function create_badgers(step), which creates the Badger model.

        globals()['create_%s' % model](step)
    except KeyError:
        model = get_model(model)

        create_models(model, step.hashes)

@step(r'(?:Given|And|Then) ([A-Z][a-z0-9_ ]*) with ([a-z]+) "([^"]*)" has ([A-Z][a-z0-9_ ]*) in the database:')  # noqa
def create_models_for_relation(step, rel_model_name,
                               rel_key, rel_value, model):
    And project with name "Ball Project" has goals in the database:
    | description                             |
    | To have fun playing with balls of twine |

    lookup = {rel_key: rel_value}
    rel_model = get_model(rel_model_name).objects.get(**lookup)

    for hash_ in step.hashes:
        hash_['%s_id' % rel_model_name] =

    create_models_generic(step, model)

@step('(?:Given|And|Then) ([A-Z][a-z0-9_ ]*) should be present in the database')
def step_models_exist(step, model):
    And objectives should be present in the database:
    | description      |
    | Make a mess      |

    model = get_model(model)

    models_exist(model, step.hashes)

@step(r'There should be (\d+) ([a-z][a-z0-9_ ]*) in the database')
def model_count(step, count, model):
    Then there should be 0 goals in the database

    model = get_model(model)

    assert_equals(model.objects.count(), int(count))

Generating JSON from SQLAlchemy objects

I had to put together a small web app the other day, using SQLAlchemy and Flask. Because I hate writing code multiple times, when I can do things using a better way, I wanted to be able to serialise SQLAlchemy ORM objects straight to JSON.

I decided on an approach where taking a leaf out of Javascript, I would optionally implement a tojson() method on a class, which I would attempt to call from my JSONEncoder ((The tojson() method actually returns a Python dict understandable by JSONEncoder)).

It turns out to be relatively simple to extend SQLAlchemy’s declarative base class to add additional methods (we can also use this as an excuse to implement a general __repr__().

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base as real_declarative_base

# Let's make this a class decorator
declarative_base = lambda cls: real_declarative_base(cls=cls)

class Base(object):
    Add some default properties and methods to the SQLAlchemy declarative base.

    def columns(self):
        return [ for c in self.__table__.columns ]

    def columnitems(self):
        return dict([ (c, getattr(self, c)) for c in self.columns ])

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.columnitems)

    def tojson(self):
        return self.columnitems

We can then define our tables in the usual way:

class Client(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'client'


You can obviously replace any of the methods in your subclass, if you don’t want to serialise the whole thing. Bonus points for anyone who wants to extend this to serialise one-to-many relationships.

And what about calling the tojson() method? That’s easy, we can just provide our own JSONEncoder.

import json

class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Wrapper class to try calling an object's tojson() method. This allows
    us to JSONify objects coming from the ORM. Also handles dates and datetimes.

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj,
            return obj.isoformat()

            return obj.tojson()
        except AttributeError:
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

Cutting edge Flask provides a way to replace the default JSON encoder, but the version I got out of pip does not. This is relatively easy to work around though by replacing jsonify with our own version.

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def jsonify(*args, **kwargs):
    Workaround for Flask's jsonify not allowing replacement of the JSONEncoder
    in my version of Flask.

    return app.response_class(json.dumps(dict(*args, **kwargs),

If you do have a newer Flask, where you don’t have to replace jsonify, you can also inherit from Flask’s JSONEncoder, which already handles things like datetimes for you.

Testing warnings with py.test

For those who use like to add warnings to your Python code, and want to test those warnings actually happen in your unit tests, here are two techniques to do so, both are based around fixtures/funcargs.

Firstly is the mechanism built into py.test using recwarn.

The second is to create a fixture that specifically enables warnings as exceptions and combined that with pytest.raises, for instance:

import warnings

def warnings_as_errors(request):

    request.addfinalizer(lambda *args: warnings.resetwarnings())

def test_timers_warn(log, warnings_as_errors):


    with pytest.raises(RuntimeWarning):

The advantage of this second method is you can guarantee exactly what method call raises the warning without repeatedly having to check recwarn.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Australia
This work by Danielle Madeley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Australia.