Today we had a field trip (yey!) around A Coruña. The city is beautiful, but its strong winds are not that beautiful. The latinamerican faction (Gustavo and me) almost chilled to death. Although I think that Dan was in a similar state but survived via zen concentration, or something.
Stuff got done nevertheless:
- Joone advanced DRT features
- Martin fixed a really ugly bug where broken fonts were not ignored properly.
- Dan merged the cache into libsoup. Yes, this means awesomeness.
- Xan bought kebaps for everyone, he’s full of kindness towards humanity.
- Sergio helped me find a macbook charger, and complained about his bullet point from yesterday’s update. He thinks I’m chilean, but I decided to forgive him because he taught me how to use a phone.
- Philippe has fixed even more tests to get fullscreen elements working, and he passed me his flu. Thanks.
- I finished my patch for nice error pages in Epiphany, should be in tomorrow. I just need Vinicius to tell me the license for his HTML files. Hi Vinicius!
Just so you don’t leave with so few bullet points, here’s Xan commenting about the hackfest:
Xan has something to say about the WebKitGTK+ hackfest from diegoe on Vimeo.
Hi Diego!
This hackfest is full of awesomeness for sure.
Which license do you want me to use?
Have you read this about WebSocket of HTML5:
«Joone advanced DRT features»
DRT is a testing tool that creates a text representation of websites, it’s used in WebKitGTK+ to check proper rendering of sites.
Ok, thanks. 😉
korbe: We prefer to get all our security bulletins from CGI cartoon character with snarky robotic voices. Fortunately, they told us about the websockets problems too: