Category Archives: Life

Fall is here

Ahh, it’s my favorite time of the year again. Trees turning color, leaves falling, weather cool enough for a light jacket, etc. This past Wednesday, we had a day outing at work where our whole group went for a canoe trip down the St. Croix River just northeast of the Twin Cities. It happened to be just about the only sunny and rain-free day of the week, so it was a good time. Nothing like getting paid for a day of leisurely canoeing with beer and grilled food on a sandbar along the way.

Joanne seems to be finally past the morning-sickness stage of pregnancy, so life is a lot easier around the house, at least for the time being. I’m also feeling a lot more like cooking lately, which is good for both of us. I generally really enjoy cooking good meals, but I don’t get the urge nearly as much in the summertime. I guess that’s another nice thing about the arrival of Fall.

I’ve starting hacking quite a bit on Dodji’s GNOME debugger Nemiver lately. It’s coming along quite nicely and is fairly usable already (not that I can claim much credit for that). Now that there’s a gtksourceviewmm release it should be a bit easier for others to build as well. I’m also planning to make a new release of Agave very soon as well, since I’ve gotten a few new translations lately. If anybody else wants to send a translation my way, feel free.

Labor Day weekend

Originally uploaded by jonner.

We got back from a nice long weekend trip to Milwaukee (another of the great but underappreciated cities of the midwest) visiting my sister and her family. It was a good trip and I got to see my newest niece for the first time.

After getting back home I noticed that we had quite a few Cayenne peppers hanging on the bush in our back yard. So I picked a few and strung them up in the kitchen to dry. I think we’re going to dry them, grind them up, and try to make them into a hot pepper sauce. If anybody knows how to make a good hot pepper sauce, let me know.

Releases galore

It feels like I’ve been making software releases like crazy lately. I guess people who’ve been involved in GNOME for a while probably feel this way regularly when release time comes around, but it’s sort of a first for me.


I’ve been hacking on cairomm and gtkmm for quite a while now, but cairomm has up to now been in a development state. For the gtkmm 2.10 release, we needed to depend on cairomm, so it had to be declared stable. So that happened over the weekend with version 1.2.0, followed on quickly by a 1.2.1 release to fix a small Windows compilation issue.


There was a slightly nasty gtkmm bug that popped up just after Murray released version 2.10.0 and went on vacation, so I had to try to get a new release cut in time for the GNOME release cutoff today. I’ve been developing my own Agave application for a while, but this is really the first time I’ve had to release software that A) matters, and B) needs to get done on a tight schedule. All in all a little nerve-wracking, but exhilarating at the same time.

Summer of Code

It’s great to see a updates on lot of the great summer of code projects within GNOME. It seems like this year was a really great year for SoC projects within GNOME. Great job to all the participants.


This weekend I actually got some excercise. Sunday Joanne and I decided to go to the park across the street and play a little bit of tennis. I’ve never really played much tennis in my life, but I’ve decided that I really like it. I even went and bought some new tennis balls since the ones we had in the house were all old and flat and barely bounced. Maybe I’ve finally found the thing to get me off my ass and get some excercise every now and then.

Update: for those who don’t have any idea who I am, I wrote a little introductory post that didn’t seem to get picked up by planet GNOME when I posted it.