Category Archives: Programming


A belated happy first birthday to my beautiful daughter. It’s been a fantastic year.


Since then it seems like I’ve been sick most of the time. Instead of doing something useful, I’ve taken to fidding on a re-write of my Agave colorscheme designer, and I’ve made a decent amount of progress. It still lacks a lot of features of the original, but it benefits from my vastly better grasp of gtkmm and related technologies. I still don’t know if I’ll ever actually get around to releasing it. It’s currently serving as a way for me to relax and take breaks from my other projects. It’s become sort of a playground for me to try out new technologies, and I think I’ve succeeded in making it nearly impossible for normal users to build as it requires quite a few very new or unreleased libraries (goocanvasmm, giomm, glibmm-utils, etc).

Here’s a little screencast of what I’ve done so far:

video thumbnail

I’ve set up a repository on github for anybody that’s interested in playing around with it.

Also, I’ll be taking over some glibmm maintainer duties from murray after the 2.16.0 release.

Campaign Season

Being a political junky, I’ve of course been following the campaign season very closely here in the USA. This morning I was amused to receive a campaign email from a potential candidate for the US Senate here in Minnesota with the following engaging subject line: “General Campaign email template”. Well done, potential senator!

On an unrelated note, we’re planning a new release of Nemiver in the coming week. It’s been quite a while since the last release, but there are quite a few new features even though we’ve both been slowed down a bit by real life in the past few months. I’ve been trying to polish up the user interface a bit as well, and in the process, some translatable strings have been changed slightly. So if any intrepid translators are interested in cleaning up after me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Nemiver and gio

Yesterday I added a configure switch to nemiver to use gio (via giomm, which is shaping up nicely) instead of gnomevfs for file loading, mime-type detection, and file change monitoring. The process was quite painless, and the code ended up being considerably nicer than the equivalent in gnomevfs. In theory this should bring us a bit closer to being portable to other platforms as well. Cheers to alexl and everybody else working on gio.

Now if we could just get a replacement for gnome_help_display() into GTK+, we’d be able to knock off a lot of other extra dependencies as well.