Piano: The piano arrived. It’s horribly out of tune, but I still tried to play it for a while. Zana dragged out her Dozen a Day book just for the heckuvit.
Sat 03 Mar 2001
hacking (AR2): Cards now move. I think redraws of slots are too slow. I might try to play with the XRender extention sometime this weekend to see if I can get it working, and if it speeds things up.
food (lunch): Went to Neo China again for the first time in a long time. Hasn’t changed one bit in the last couple of months.
food (dinner): Middle East Cafe for dinner with Havoc, Amy, Owen, and Zana. Had a big plate of Hummus, Meat, and Tabouli. Shoulda got desert or coffee afterwards, but ended up with a can of Dr. Browns Diet Cream Soda. Zana pointed out that it said 100% Nutrasweet on the side, which was just a little bit disturbing.
dog: Time to give him a shower again soon. He’s not going to like this.
Hosedness: My friend Julie is finally unhosed again, after successively defending. Cool.
Fri 02 Mar 2001
hacking (AR2): Couldn’t sleep, so I did most of the work needed to get cards moving (except actually moving the silly window.)
Laptop: I totally forgot to mention this yesterday, but I ordered my new laptop! I ordered a Dell C600 w/ RH 7 preinstalled. I guess I’ll get a chance to see how good a job Dell does at preinstalling linux. Time to make sure it’s insured…
Thu 01 Mar 2001
hacking (AR2): stayed up way to late hacking on this. Pity that the clean, elegant design appears to be too slow. Time to do some hacks…
Wed 28 Feb 2001
hacking (tree): Fixed a really nasty (3 line) bug in the RB tree code. Also, think I finally got selections fully working. Doing this tree is harder then it seems, as you have so little control over the model from the view. You need to make sure you’re in a consistent state at all times, which can be pretty messy.
For example, today I fixed a bug where the view was updating when a node was deleted, but the selection had not yet gotten the signal yet. Because of this, when the another part of the code (also listening to a signal) tried to get the selection, it got a bogus pointer. This problem is fixable, but it highlights how tricky this can be.
hacking (AR2): much clean up of code, and auto sizing now. No new screenshot though.
hacking (AR): Added George’s scrolling menu patch. I’m going to some sort of hacker Hell for that one. Zana has been whipping out games at a ridiculous pace. It’s going to suck to move them over to AR2.
GOB: Day 2 of my gob maintainershipness. I’m so overwhelmed with possibilities that I don’t know what to do.
Mole: I think Steven is the mole. Zana thinks Kathryn is the mole. Tomorrow, we find out. What a silly game…
Tue 27 Feb 2001
hacking (GtkTreeView): Ugh. Spent the day writing test code, and fixing selections. I was hoping to sanitize the column code, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
hacking (GOB): Woo! I am the maintainer of this package now. Time to wreak havoc!!!
hacking (AisleRiot2): Added card drawing code (though without filling in the card details.) They don’t move yet, but they draw. Screenshot here: http://webwynk.net/~jrb/files/AR2-3.png
Folliage: Our neighbor has a tree at a 45 degree angle. The only thing that keeps it from crashing down is another tree, which in turn is starting to tilt. I’m glad it’s not leaning over anything important.
Mon 26 Feb 2001
hacking (AisleRiot2): Spent most of the day hacking on AR2. Dunno where the day went. Anyway, I fleshed out a lot more of the design, and even added cool slot types. I took a screenshot at http://webwynk.net/~jrb/files/AR2-2.png of 5 slots: They are (from left to right) Normal, Invisible, Stock, Stock (no more redeals) and Waste. Additionally, there is a slot with a row of cards below, but as I’m not actually drawing the cards yet, you can’t see anything. It’s sizing correctly, though.
I need to get a vector drawing of the 4 suits for those slot types. That would rock really hard! Unfortunately, my artistic skills were stretched by those simple geometric shapes.
I’m getting really tired of the terracotta background image, but it’s a good test.
Web (AisleRiot2): Zana started working on a webpage for AisleRiot. It’s not really pretty yet, but hopefully we can turn it into something.
Luck (Fortune cookie): Got a fortune from a fortune cookie yesterday that said “Now is the time to go buy stocks.” Freaky.
Sun 25 Feb 2001
hacking (AisleRiot2): Wheeeeee! I got a start on the new AR card engine. If nothing else, it’s starting to look pretty. Here is a picture of a slot: http://webwynk.net/~jrb/files/AR2-1.png Tomorrow, I’m going to add cards and make them move. They may not actually draw yet, but they’ll move.
Sat 24 Feb 2001
doggy: Found a tick on him. Oil didn’t work, so I had to use tweezers as well. Fortunately (for the dog), I got the tick out in one piece, and squished it.
food (lunch): Sarah’s Empanada’s with Zana. She had the fried Yuca root. It was something that’s good to have eaten once.
food (dinner): Went to Panzanella with Zana, Havoc, Amy, Owen, and Adrian from the Japanese office. Nice meal involving pork and Risotto.
hacking: Finally made some sense of the sizing code in GtkTreeView. Next week, I hope to get keyboard navigation working.
cards: Apparently kpat took the really old card design that Zana wrote for AisleRiot originally and added it as a card front option. They also took my polluted sky background. It was really surreal to see it again. I have my work cut out, if I want to match them in the card-library arms race.
Fri 23 Feb 2001
doggy: Fought with a skunk or something. Lost. Ugh. Stinky.
laptop: Got my insurance money today from my stolen laptop. I think I’m going to replace it with a Dell C600. It looks like a reasonably nice one with enough beefiness to actually compile GTK+. (-: I’d like to get something like a car-alarm for the laptop when I get it or some form of additional security. Time to ask Mr. Internet what he thinks…