The GUADEC videos had been put up a little while back onĀ SuperLectures, where they will be available at least until next year. As a more permanent solution, the videos are also available on (incidentally, this also means that we’ve run out of space on our backup machine).
If anyone is interested in creating a pretty website, which is, for downloading the videos, they should come forward as I hope we will have more videos to add next year.
Also, I found out this year that there were no videos from the Desktop Summit 2011 (Berlin) because, after the network failure, the USB hard disk impromptu backup solution did not work as the camaras produced data too fast and the recordings were jittery.
Are those videos on Youtube? If not, can they be put there?
Not at the moment, but I’ll find out if they can be put up on there.
Any ideas what happened to the 2012 videos?
I just mirrored