Check if your ssh key is safe

Because not everyone will follow the security announcements of Debian very closely and as I love copy/pasting.

Debian has discovered a serious issue with openssl, that means your ssh key can be less secure than you expect.

Details at:

What does it mean for GNOME? If you have a GNOME account, you need to check if you are hit by this bug, read the wiki page carefully and take appropriate action.

If you change your key, send the public part of it to and do not forget to mention your username.

4 Replies to “Check if your ssh key is safe”

  1. Not an issue with ‘openssl’, but with ‘their own custom version of openssl’. Seems like a typical debian issue: patching stuff they are really clueless about.

  2. Tom: Why? I assume most people who read Planet GNOME read Planet KDE as well. It will take them a few seconds, but it is very clear which one is the original (either by reading the text here or the comment I added to your blog).

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