New IP addresses for GNOME Subversion and L10N machines

Just copy/pasting an announcement by Ross Golder:

Due to reasons beyond our control, we will shortly be changing the IP addresses for the GNOME subversion and L10N machines. I currently expect we will be doing this at some point on Sunday 16th September 2007. The old IP address should continue to work until 22nd September, by which time the DNS change should have fully propogated.

This change will largely be transparent except for developers using Subversion/SSH, for whom this change will likely cause your subversion client to give an warning. This warning is just to highlight the fact that the IP address has changed and can be ignored.

The new IP address for the subversion server will be, and the server’s host key fingerprint is as before:


Apologies for any inconveniences. Please post any questions, comments or follow-ups regarding the change to

Note: Initially, the IP alias for l10n wasn’t working. It is now. Further, the change in this announcement already happened.

So I like usability — it that so bad?

As zeenix wrote:

OTOH, The discussion went very well until the biggest opponent of git, Olav Vitters admitted that “It translates to: I really care about not needing to learn an SCM.”. From that point onwards, I completely lost the interest in the discussion.

Admitted? I made myself perfectly clear from the start. I like something that guides/helps me. I also really care about the advantages it brings for devs (who could use a better system)/translators/.. and I like people to investigate and list them in a wiki, exactly because I am not the right person to investigate that. This was in one of the first emails I wrote. I also posted this again in a followup email to avoid any confusion on that part. You are misstating what I said by leaving that out. Further, I do not oppose Git, I want each choice to be investigated.

I don’t appreciate that you implicitly state that the discussion was ok except for my part of it. If you have an issue with me, Planet GNOME is not the place.

How to report inappropriate content on GNOME Bugzilla

If you see inappropriate content on GNOME Bugzilla, please report this to or report in the #bugs channel on (use e.g. xchat). This for stuff like accidental information appearing in bug-buddy reports, spam, bad behavior, etc.

Note that above step does not include things like Digg, Planet GNOME, mailing lists, etc.

Enforcing proper /trunk/MAINTAINERS files in SVN

I enabled a pre-commit check which validates if there is a /trunk/MAINTAINERS file. It also quickly checks if the format of that file is ok. If a module doesn’t have a /trunk/MAINTAINERS file, or it isn’t in the right format, the commit will be rejected. See for how a proper /trunk/MAINTAINERS file should look like.

Note that I gave various pre-warnings regarding this, and your commit is not lost. You can commit a proper /trunk/MAINTAINERS file to allow normal commits again.

Since enabling the pre-commit just over an hour ago, 6 additional modules have a proper /trunk/MAINTAINERS file. Only a few hundred to go. 🙂

Wanted: html5lib package for EPEL / Fedora

Could someone please make a package of html5lib for EPEL or Fedora (target is RHEL5)? This would be very helpful to improve our GNOME Library layout. Some of the gtk-doc documentation doesn’t build. For this the HTML files within the tarball are used instead. If html5lib is installed, the library-web scripts will automatically change the HTML files to contain the standard GNOME Library layout. See the difference between libgnome (built from source, has standard layout) documentation with the GTK+ (copied from supplied HTML files, lacks standard layout) documentation.

Frederic Peters, many thanks for writing the second version of the library-web scripts and all the improvements you are making.

Thanks to Oded, html5lib is now installed on the server. A full rebuild will be done during the night (CET), however a small preview of what the GTK+ documentation looks like now:lgo-gtkdoc.png

We have a Build Bot running on a GNOME server; available at It is far from being a full green build, but hopefully with some help this can be achieved. Especially the scrollkeeper error is strange (to me):

gcc -g3 -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -o .libs/scrollkeeper-tree-separate separate.o  -L/usr/local/buildslave/gnome/work/bin/lib64 ../libs/.libs/ /usr/local/buildslave/gnome/work/bin/lib64/ /usr/local/buildslave/gnome/work/bin/lib64/ -lgcov -ldl -lz -lm -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/buildslave/gnome/work/bin/lib64
/usr/bin/ld: .libs/scrollkeeper-tree-separate: hidden symbol `__gcov_merge_add' in /usr/local/buildslave/gnome/work/bin/lib64/libgcov.a(_gcov_merge_add.o) is referenced by DSO
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output

Click here to see the full log. Help with all the errors is appreciated. Please subscribe to the build-brigade-list. More build bot slaves are appreciated too. If you have slaves (machines building GNOME at least 4 times a day.. preferably with root access) to donate, please mail us (the rest of the team -Iago Toral- is much better at setting these things up than me). Not sure what Iago is planning, but I want at least 5 slaves.

GUADEC 2008 proposal — Istanbul

Istanbul has been proposed to host GUADEC 2008. Some details:

  • It is not as hot as I expected; average high temperature = 27 degrees celcius
  • great place to be/party/enjoy the culture
  • 4 star hotel: $30,- per night
  • cheaper/free accomodation should be possible (IMO this is very important so we can have as many people join as possible)
  • two international airports

To see the whole proposal, read the following PDF document: guadec2008-proposal.pdf. If you have any questions please contact Barış Çiçek (GNOME Türkiye board contact, part of the membership committee and also responsible for the Mango Summer of Code enhancement).

Note: I do not know about other proposals for 2008. Further, I am not involved with any of them. My ideal proposal would let as many people join as possible (avoiding visa/money/etc problems). Although sponsoring people is good, I’d rather sponsor even more people just due to the tickets/accommodation/food/venue/etc being cheaper.

Accounts Team + Membership Committee transparency

Guilherme de S. Pastore created an overview for some of the RequestTracker3 queues in After some discussion with Federico I’ve enhanced these to show an overview of all new/open/stalled tickets. Before you could only see the totals; not what the state of your ticket was in. For stalled tickets it even tries to figure out why it is in stalled state (waiting for someone to reply). That is a hack though and although it should often be incorrect; it might show the wrong information.

Quick explanation of the various states:

  • new: nobody ever touched it
  • open: someone touched it (e.g. goes into this state again after someone sends a mail to a stalled ticket)
  • stalled: we are waiting for something. Usually either a reply from the requestor or someone we manually cc’ed (maintainer to ask for approval).

All new tickets will now be informed about this URL in the autoreply. I’m planning to inform all new/open/stalled tickets requestors as well if easily doable.