DoggFooding in Glade

I’ve been meaning to write a short post showing what we’ve been able to do with Glade since we introduced composite widget templates in GTK+, the post will be as brief as possible since I’m preoccupied with other things but here’s a run over of what’s changed in the Dogg Food release.

Basically, after finally landing the composite template machinery (thanks to Openismus for giving me the time to do that), I couldn’t resist going the extra mile in Glade, over the weekends and such, to leverage the great new features and do some redesign work in Glade itself.

So please enjoy ! or don’t and yell very loudly about how you miss the old editor design, and make suggestions 🙂

Glade Preferences Dialog

Preferences Dialog Before
Preferences Dialog Before
Preferences Dialog After
Preferences Dialog After








The old preferences dialog was a sort of lazy combo box, now that we have composite templates and create the interface using GtkBuilder, it was pretty easy to add the treeview and create a nicer interface for adding customized catalog paths.

Also there are some new features and configurations in the dialog, since the new Dogg Food release we now have an Autosave feature, and we optionally save your old file.ui to a file.ui~ backup every time you save. There are also some configurations on what kind of warnings to show when saving your glade file (since it can be annoying if you already know there are deprecated widgets, or unrecognized widgets and have the dialog popup every time you save).

Glade Project Properties

Project Properties Dialog Before
Project Properties Dialog After








Refactoring out the project properties dialog into a separate source file, and implementing the UI with Glade makes the GladeProject code more readable, also the UI benefits again, notice the not so clear “Execute” button has been moved to be a secondary dialog button (with a tooltip explaining what it does).

Also the new project attributes have been added to allow one to set the project’s translation domain or Composite Template toplevel widget.

Now that’s just the beginning, let’s walk through the new custom editors.

Button Editor

GtkButton Editor After
GtkButton Editor After
GtkButton Editor Before
GtkButton Editor Before










Here’s where the fun starts, while we did have some custom editors before, they all had to be hand written, now I’ve added some base classes making it much easier to design the customized property editors with Glade.

First thing to notice is we have these check button property editors for some boolean properties which we can place wherever in the customized property editor layout (checkbuttons previously didnt make any sense in a layout where one always expects to see the title label on the left, and the property control on the right, in a table or grid layout).

Entry Editor Before

GtkEntry Editor Before (top portion)
GtkEntry Editor Before (top portion)
GtkEntry Editor Before (bottom portion)
GtkEntry Editor Before (bottom portion)













Entry Editor After

GtkEntry Editor After (top portion)
GtkEntry Editor After (top portion)
GtkEntry Editor After (bottom portion)
GtkEntry Editor After (bottom portion)













All around better layout I think, also we save space by playing tricks with the tooltip-text / tooltip-markup properties for the icons. While in reality GTK+ has separate properties, we just add a “Use Markup” check to the tooltip editor and use that to decide whether to edit the normal tooltip text property, or the tooltip markup property.

Image Editor

GtkImage Editor Before
GtkImage Editor Before
GtkImage Editor After
GtkImage Editor After










Here we economize on space a bit by putting the GtkMisc alignment and padding details down at the bottom, also we group the “use-fallback” property with the icon name setting, since the fallback property can only apply to images that are set by icon name.

Label Editor

GtkLabel Editor Before
GtkLabel Editor Before
GtkLabel Editor After
GtkLabel Editor After














Like the GtkImage Editor, we’ve grouped the GtkMisc properties together near the bottom. We also have generally better grouping all around of properties, hopefully this will help the user find what they are looking for more quickly. Another interesting thing is that the mnemonic widget editor is insensitive if “use-underline” is FALSE, when “use-underline” becomes selected, the mnemonic widget property can be set directly to the right of the “use-underline” property.

Widget Editor / Common Tab

Last but not least (of what we’ve done so far) is a completely new custom editor for the “Common” tab (perhaps we can do away with the “Common” tab altogether… use expanders where we currently have bold heading labels, now that we do it all with GtkBuilder script, sky is the limit really)

GtkWidget Editor Before (top portion)
GtkWidget Editor Before (top portion)
GtkWidget Editor Before (bottom portion)
GtkWidget Editor Before (bottom portion)











Widget Editor After

GtkWidget Editor After
GtkWidget Editor After


















Here again we play some tricks with the tooltip, so that we don’t have two separate property entries for “tooltip-text” and “tooltip-markup” but instead a simple switch deciding whether to set the tooltip as markup or not. The little “Custom” check button in there makes the tooltip editors insensitive and instead sets the “has-tooltip” property to TRUE, so that you can hook into the “query-tooltip” signal to create a custom tooltip window.

Now while these are just the first iterations of the new editor designs and layouts, the really great news is that we can now use Glade to design the layouts of Glade’s widget editors, so you can expect (and even request ;-)) better designs in the future. Also, we’re open to ideas, if you have any great ideas on how to make widget property editing more fun, more obvious, more usable… please share them with us in bugzilla or on our mailing list.


Extra amendment: Fitting images into blog post side by side has been a delicate exercise, it looks different in the editor, different at, and again different on, just goes to show that I make for a terrible poster boy, not to mention I don’t post quite that often… anyway… hope the formatting of this post is endurable at least, it’s best viewed at I think.

Announcing Composite Widget Templates

Hello fellow hackers, today we bring you a new feature which I believe can very much improve the GTK+/GNOME developer story.

This is a feature I’ve been planning for a long time (I originally blogged about it 3 years ago) so I’m very excited about it having finally landed in GTK+, it’s my hope and ambition that this feature will help shape the future of user interface programming with GTK+.

Before I continue, I have to thank Juan Pablo Ugarte for keeping the dream alive and talking about this at the last GUADEC. Also recognition must be given to Openismus GmbH for sponsoring my full time work on this for the last few weeks, the time to completely focus on this task would not have been afforded me without them.

Unfortunately this post will be a little terse, the one I had planned which is a bit more relaxed and has some comic relief will not be ready on time. So, at the risk of being taken seriously, let’s continue with a brief overview of the APIs introduced to GTK+ and the actions taken.

What are Composite Widget Templates ?

Composite Widget Templates are an association of GtkWidget class data with GtkBuilder xml, which is to say that the xml which defines a composite widget is now a part of the definition of a widget class or type.

This feature automates the creation of composite widgets without the need for directly accessing the GtkBuilder APIs and comes with a few features that help to bind a GtkWidget with it’s GtkBuilder xml.

As of yesterday, 23 composite widget classes in GTK+, from simple classes such as GtkFontButton or GtkVolumeButton to more complex widget classes such as GtkFileChooserDefault and GtkPrintUnixDialog have all been ported to remove all manual user interface creation code, in favour of GtkBuilder xml.

So, how can I use it ?

There are three or four new APIs added to GtkWidget which play on the class data, currently they will only be available in C, but if you have a little imagination, you can see how this can be very useful in higher level languages, by extending the syntax and adding some keywords (hint: I have vala in mind as a top candidate).

Before I go into the API details here, I would like to point out a complete working example which I created today while writing this post. To give it a try, you need of course GTK+ master from today (or yesterday). For those who are interested I suggest you download that small tarball, and build it with one simple ‘make’ command.

First, lets start with an example of how to bind your template to your widget class:

static void
my_widget_class_init (MyWidgetClass *klass)
  GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);

  /* Setup the template GtkBuilder xml for this class
  gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/org/foo/my/mywidget.ui");

static void
my_widget_init (MyWidget *widget)
  /* Initialize the template for this instance */
  gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (widget));

So, to bind some GtkBuilder XML to a widget class, we need to call two functions:

  • gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource() binds some GtkBuilder XML to the class data
  • gtk_widget_init_template() initializes the template for a given instance, this is currently needed for the base C apis, but both could certainly be automated in a highlevel language.

Next, we have a function which creates an implicit relationship between some instance variables and some objects defined in the GtkBuilder XML:

struct _MyWidgetPrivate
  /* This is the entry defined in the GtkBuilder xml */
  GtkWidget *entry;

static void
my_widget_class_init (MyWidgetClass *klass)
  GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

  /* After having called gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource(), we can
   * define the relationship of the private entry and the entry defined in the xml.
  gtk_widget_class_bind_child (widget_class, MyWidgetPrivate, entry);

  g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof (MyWidgetPrivate));

In the above code, we’ve defined a relationship between the MyWidgetPrivate pointer named ‘entry’ and the object in the GtkBuilder XML of the same name ‘entry’. The entry will be available for access on the subclassed GtkWidget instance private data at any time after gtk_widget_init_template() was called, until the given widget is disposed (at which time the pointer will become NULL). GTK+ takes care of memory managing such automated pointers, so it is ensured to exist for the lifetime of your instances.

Again, with highlevel bindings in mind, this could be implemented as some syntactic sugar in the actual declaration of the instance variable.

Finally there is one more point of interest in the API which is Callbacks. Functions in your widget class code can be specified as Callbacks which serve as endpoints for any signal connections defined in the GtkBuilder XML.

/* A callback handling a "clicked" event from a button defined in the GtkBuilder XML */
static void
my_widget_button_clicked (MyWidget  *widget,
                          GtkButton *button)
  g_print ("The button was clicked with entry text: %s\n",
           gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (widget->priv->entry)));

static void
my_widget_class_init (MyWidgetClass *klass)
  GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);

  /* After having called gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource(), we can
   * declare callback ports that this widget class exposes, to bind with <signal>
   * connections defined in the GtkBuilder xml
  gtk_widget_class_bind_callback (widget_class, my_widget_button_clicked);

Note that all signal connections defined in composite templates have the composite widget instance as user data by default.

In the above example code, my_widget_button_clicked() callback was declared with the assumption that the <signal> connection defined in the template was declared as ‘swapped’. Swapped signal connections are connections where the user data of the callback is returned first instead of the emitter. I think that this should be the default for composite widget callbacks as it blends in more naturally with normal class methods (where the class instance is always the first parameter).

This detail might not apply directly to higher level languages, which could achieve the above by adding some syntactic sugar in the declaration of a Callback method. Perhaps the instance will be implied as the ‘self’ variable.

I have also included some additional API to allow bindings to specify the GtkBuilderConnectFunc which should be used to make signal connections for a given widget class. I hope that bindings authors will contact me if they need any additional support in the GTK+ api to implement this.

Can I now use Glade to define my Composite Widget Templates ?

Of course silly ! That’s the whole point right ?

You’ll need Glade master from today as well, however I should be rolling a development snapshot with full support for this later this week as well.

All of GTK+’s composite widget classes have been recreated using Glade. Here is a screenshot of a GTK+ composite widget being edited in Glade:

Glade editing the GtkFileChooserDefault
Glade editing the GtkFileChooserDefault

Glade is still in it’s early stages supporting this, so there is hardly any features added here. I hope to work towards a brighter future where Glade can understand a multitude of composite widget templates as components of a single project, which will open the doors for some really nice and useful features.


All in all I have a lot to say about this work, but I’ll cut this blog post short for now, however I may be posting followups in the near future.

I’m very satisfied with this work, and I hope you will enjoy creating user interfaces as composite widget classes.