Dear lazyweb,
I swear I tried asking on IRC, but it seems everyone was away. That’s my question. I’m using gtk+3 and pygobject built using jhbuild. How to get the gtk3 theme working properly? It looks like this:

Any tips?
Update: To explain it correctly: I’m running Debian testing and I have gtk+ an pygobject built from sources with jhbuild (just to learn pygtk/pygobject differences). I’ve already built gnome-themes-standard too, but it doesn’t work. The only progress I have was to get Cantarell fonts with the same “no-theme” gtk+.
Update 2 (solved): Many thanks to Benjamin Otte.
Build and install gnome-themes-standard within the jhbuild root. It’s in the defined module sets already.
Do you have GNOME3 installed?
Do you use introspection?
from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib, GObject, GdkPixbuf, Gio, Pango
gnome-tweak-tool, and set theme as adwaita
or set this in gsettings from console
To get the Adwaita theme, jhbuild buildone gnome-themes-standard. Generally, GTK reads theme files from $PREFIX/share/themes/$THEME_NAME/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
I think you need gnome-themes-standard to get Adwaita.
I have Gnome Shell built with jhbuild under Ubuntu 10.10 / 11.4. It built gnome-themes-standard, but Adwaita was installed under ~/gnome-shell/install/share/themes, so I copied it to /user/share/themes/ and got it working. This worked for me. Hope it helps.
Só agora reparei que não havia necessidade de ter respondido em inglês. Ainda por cima o meu inglês é fraquinho. 😀
The most reliable way I found (maybe there is another way, I would be interested to know), is to write a very small gtk+ module that simply overrides the gtk setting for the theme (gtk-theme-name) using gtk_settings_set_string_property.
gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme ‘Adwaita’
Off course you need the Adwaita gtk3 theme 🙂
@ Andrew:
I don’t have GNOME3, just gtk+ 3 and pygobject.
Yes, I’m using introspection.
1) You need to set “Adwaita” as your GTK theme if you are running a gnome desktop.
2) You need gnome-themes-standard installed in your jhbuild.
3) You need librsvg installed in your jhbuild.
With that, it should work. If not, it should at least print an error to stderr.
PS: The default theme is awesome!