Category Archives: webkit


As a quick follow-on to my last post, I’ve put a webkitmm git repository up for those that might want to play around with it. It’s certainly still early, but it is mostly complete. You’ll probably need a recent checkout WebKit/Gtk+, I’ve only tested it on trunk. At some point, I’ll probably import it into GNOME subversion, though I really don’t look forward to that.

There is a very simple browser example in the source tree as well:


Pools, Toy Dogs, Turkey, and WebKit

Summer is coming on full force.  R has discovered a new obsession, this time with the pool.  This goes along with her existing obsessions with fish, ducks, and geese.  I’m noticing a pattern here.  She also enjoys non-aquatic things, particularly books — mostly books about animals.  J got an old picture book about Dogs from a garage sale down the block recently.  It’s obviously from another time, as it contains the following hilariously inappropriate line:

Toy DogsThe Toy Dogs today are bred solely as pets. They have no other purpose in life except to give pleasure, especially to ladies.

Also, I’ll be attending GUADEC for the first time this year, and I’m looking forward to a good time in Istanbul and finally meeting a lot of people in person that I’ve known online for a while.

WebKit work is going quite well. I’ve mostly been focusing on bug fixing so far, though I’ve added some new features as well (CSS text shadows are now supported in the Qt port, for instance). Overall I’ve been really impressed with how clean and well-organized WebKit is for such a large and complex project. I’ve also started playing around with ‘webkitmm’ in my spare time as well. Nothing much to show at the moment, I’m afraid, but I don’t expect it to take too much effort before it’s relatively usable.

Moving On

Since all of the other Nemiver hackers are moving on to new jobs (ok, so there’s only me and Dodji, but you can help fix that by joining us!), I figured I may as well announce my own job-related news.  Last week I gave my notice at my current job, and I’ve signed a contract with Collabora to do work related to WebKit.  I’m really excited to be able to spend more time hacking on free software and to have the opportunity to work with some really talented people on interesting projects.  Also, it feels great to be able to escape the cubicle farm at last.